GrantEd Payment Policies

On this page, you’ll find a run down of the different types of payment requests available on GrantEd. For more complete information, please read through our FO Manual section on requests (page 15). If your situation is unusual and you aren’t certain how it will be covered, please do contact us to ask for clarification.

Reimbursements (Student and Non-Student)

Purpose: To reimburse someone for something that has already been paid for

Example: Buying food for a weekly meeting out of pocket that can be covered by club funds.

Required Documentation: This is the most common type of request, and the most common error is usually not submitting the itemized receipt from the purchase. You will want to emphasize careful and thorough documentation of all receipts in order to ensure that your organization members can be repaid for their expenses.If a group member is planning to pay for something that is over $1000 and then be reimbursed, this should instead be an advance payment or invoice payment directly to the vendor.

Notes: On gift card reimbursements: individuals may receive up to $50 in gift card form without submitting tax information ($51+ constitutes income and thus must be reported). You must submit the SUNet ID for all gift card recipients and the gift card must be for a specific purchase (such as Doordash, Safeway, etc.) as opposed to a prepaid debit card. Note: The policy exception made that allowed gift card purchases for meals is coming to an end. Gift card purchases made after September 20th, 2021 will no longer be reimbursable.

Any payments made through Venmo or other peer to peer payment apps cannot be reimbursed, as according to University policy. If the vendor you are working with will only accept payment through Venmo, please get in contact with us and we can help work the details out.

Advance Payments

Purpose: To get the funds make a payment before you have the documentation to support it.

Example: Paying for hotels/airfare/other large expenses without a member paying the cost upfront

Required Documentation: None at the time of creation. Within two weeks of the check’s printing, you must submit proof of payment and itemization on the same request used for the check, with the same requirements as a reimbursement request. This stage is referred to as “FO Verification” on GrantEd.

Notes: If you do not submit the required documentation, your ability to use GrantEd will be severely limited (i.e. you will be unable to create or submit any requests until documentation has been entered).

If the payee spends under the amount requested, you must submit a deposit request for the amount that was not spent, then bring the money/check to the SSE offices. If the payee spends more than the amount requested, submit a reimbursement request for the remaining amount and reference the initial advance payment in the description.

Invoice Payments

Purpose: To pay a non-Stanford-affiliated company directly for items/services provided. To pay a Stanford-affiliated vendor, you should use purchase orders.

Example: Paying a catering company for food to be provided during an event.

Required Documentation: The invoice provided by the vendor; must need official letterhead and address of the vendor. The vendor must also complete the electronic tax form (sent via email).

Notes: CapGroup can mail out invoice payment checks directly to the vendor for no additional fee. Please note that checks sent through this method may take longer to be delivered to the vendor. Invoice payments are made to companies. For example, if paying an invoice to a photographer, the check would be made out to ABC Photography Inc. as opposed to the photographer themselves.

Service Payments

Purpose: To pay an individual who performs a service for your organization.

Example: Paying a speaker’s fee to an invited speaker.

Required Documentation: Documentation such as an email chain or invoice showing the agreed-upon payment amount. Electronic tax form (sent through email).

Depending on the amount being paid, you may need additional documentation:

Over $10,000: a contract with OSE and the ASSU
Between $500 and $10,000: Emails confirming OSE approval or a contract approved by OSE
Under $500: No additional documentation needed

Notes: No individual Stanford faculty or staff member can be paid through a service payment.All honoraria must be paid through a service payment unless it is a payee with no US Tax ID (in which case, you should contact Capital Group for assistance), and the initial payment must be through the ASSU. We will not reimburse payments of honoraria after the fact.

Warning: if attempting to pay a student without a US tax ID, we will not be able to go through procurement to pay them, and the student needs to apply to get a US tax ID.

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