Student Activities Fee

What is the Student Activities Fee?

Stanford students enrolled in degree-granting programs pay the Student Activities Fee each quarter – excluding those on a Flex Quarter and a Leave of Absence. Co-terminal students currently billed as undergraduates will be assessed the undergraduate activities fee.   The Student Activities Fee supports grant funding for graduate and undergraduate student initiatives across each academic quarter. These grants are approved annually by the student body through Spring elections, or quarterly or weekly by the ASSU legislative bodies. You can find more information regarding student organization grants here[LINK to “Funding” in Nav Sidebar]. ASSU Waivers are open from the first Monday of each quarter to the 3rd Friday of each academic quarter in line with the undergraduate class add/drop deadline  (Fall, Winter, & Spring). The Spring 2022 waiver period closed on Friday, April 15th at 5 pm PT. This concludes the waiver period for academic year 2021-2022.  Waiver requests after this time may be considered on a case by case basis and are subject to approval by the ASSU Financial Manager. The Student Activities Fee is included in the cost of attendance at Stanford. Therefore, the Financial Aid Office supports your Student Activities Fee in any need-based aid that it provides you.

Waiving your Student Activities Fee

Students who are charged the fee may waive part of all of their Student Activities fee. Waiving your fee will reduce the available funding for the student organizations you opt out of as ASSU grant amounts are approved by the student population the previous Spring elections cycle. 

Please note, waiving a fee means that you choose not to fund certain campus organizations, and do not intend to participate in any of the activities partly or fully supported by those organizations. If you are on financial aid, the waived funds will be returned to the Financial Aid Office.

Fee Waivers Process

The fee waiver portal opens Week 1 of each academic quarter and closes Friday of Week 3. If you are having a problem submitting your waiver, please email before the waiver deadline. 

Student Financial Services will credit waivers to student accounts via Axess, typically by Week 5. If you do not see a credit to your account by then, please submit a help ticket here.

Late or retroactive fee waivers will not be processed. Exceptions will only be issued by the Registrar where students enrolled after the study list deadline and so were assessed the fee after the original waiver deadline.

Access to Waivers Info

Student organization leaders (as listed in CardinalEngage) may request a list of all students who waived their individual contribution to that organization’s Annual Grant. You may place a partial or full waiver request here [LINK].