The Undergraduate Senate is the designated representative for Stanford undergraduates. Comprised of 15 undergraduate students from all majors and classes, the Senate is responsible for a myriad of projects within the ASSU system. The UGS Senate meets weekly on Thursdays at 8:00pm PT in Nitery 209 and on Zoom here. Students may subscribe to the senate’s public email list here.
The Senate’s mission aligns overall with the ASSU’s three pillars:
Advocacy The Senate strives to be a representative to University administrators on hot-button issues affecting the undergraduate community ranging from Title IX to sustainability.
Financial Support Through the Appropriations Committee, the Senate is responsible for approving the funding for over 600+ student groups.
Leadership The Senate aims to provide many leadership opportunities for Stanford undergraduates to develop their skills as advocates, fiduciaries, and stakeholders.
Meeting Minutes and Agendas
Resolutions and Bills
Write a Bill
Amira is in her second year on the Senate. She ran again to continue the work she started during her previous term as an undergraduate senator. She would also like to expand access to weekend transportation options (such as the Marguerite), expand voices on the senate to include liaisons from all of the class cabinets, and advocate for better disabled parking spaces. As Chair, she hopes to help the 13 first-time Senators grow and find success on the Senate.
Aden ran for senate to feel connected to the Stanford community while also making a change. She hopes to be very transparent, establish a bi-racial community center, and diversify CAPS. Her main areas of interest within the senate include mental health reform, communications, transparency, and racial justice work.
Ishaan’s experience being an RA last school year has shaped his goals for his term as a senator. As a senator, he hopes to advocate for RAs to receive a certain level of training that makes them equipped to handle emergency situations and to also receive NARCAN training. In addition, he hopes to work with students to increase transparency.
Donya ran for senate in order to represent the student body and mainly the Jewish students of Stanford University. Some of her goals include reforming ResX and introducing absentee ballots for elections.
Mikayla hopes to create material change for marginalized students on campus. One of her main goals is to expand transportation resources in the Bay Area such as increasing access to Clipper Cards, expanding access to the Marguerite & institutionalizing an airport shuttle service. Another goal of hers is to create a fund (similar to the Opportunity Fund) that would cover various expenses, like copays, so that Stanford can further support students’ mental health needs.
As a senator, Priyanka would like to make an impact on campus through the administrative level. Two of her main focuses are to increase support for marginalized communities on campus and improve transparency and accountability between the ASSU & administration. She also would like to diversify mental health resources and improve the integration of CS ethics/bias teaching in the CS core. She is excited to work with other senators and the greater student body to achieve her goals.
Mark hopes to utilize ASSU resources and influence to promote more in-person activities and create a more vibrant student life on campus. He would like to ensure that student organizations receive all the funding they need and deserve. He would like to advocate for the administration to remove “red tape” surrounding the planning and execution of community events and advocate for changes surrounding new policies such as the neighborhood system and the new alcohol policy.
One of Joy’s main goals is to use social media, such as Instagram and TikTok, to better engage the student body so that students feel more connected to the ASSU and become more willing to share their concerns with senators. Another goal of hers is to increase FLI accessibility to music lessons and other extracurricular activities by advocating for more fee waivers. She would also like to advocate for more recorded lectures, and help create a comfortable relationship between faculty, the senate and students.
Gurmen ran for senate to pursue change with a specific focus on areas of reform surrounding racial justice, inequality, mental health, and transportation services to continually fight towards a more inclusive, safe, and accommodating Stanford. Some of her goals are to increase Marguerite hours and transportation services, advocate for FLI students, increase mental health services, and promote more equality and equity on campus.
A major goal of Ritwik’s is to ensure that menstrual products and more are readily accessible at all campus buildings and that the purchase of these items is not burdensome. He also hopes to focus on CAPS and what CAPS employees need to stay on board and keep the service at capacity for students. Another goal Ritwik has is to ensure that community-rooted safety efforts are instituted alternatively to a police department and that the university commits to divesting 100% from fossil fuel corporations.
One of Kevin’s goals is to host more in-person town halls and work to understand what students want to see from senators. Some of his other goals include advocating for adequate funding for clubs like SCN, making the registration process for student groups to host events more efficient, helping foster a campus culture that promotes diverse perspectives and political discourse, and working with the administration and RD&E to address flaws in the neighborhood system. He also hopes to improve the alcohol policy, and dining options across campus.
Josie’s goals for this school year fall into 9 categories: mental health and wellbeing, social and racial justice, climate and sustainability, first gen/low income resources, academic affairs, Stanford workers’ rights, Title IX and SHARE, Stanford’s Broader Impact (General Use Permit and community engagement), and ASSU transparency. As an undergraduate senator, Josie wants students on campus facing various challenges to know that there is someone who will always advocate for their best interests.
As a senator, Diego’s primary goal is to address students’ needs and concerns regarding academic and administrative policies. He hopes to request transparency in grading from faculty, mandated video recordings of lecture courses, and advocate for increased funding for dorm activities and student events. In addition, he hopes to advocate for the needs of the FLI community, more transparency, and accessibility.
Kyle ran for senate because he quickly experienced the many issues facing transfer students and the greater Stanford community, and he hopes to help solve these problems as best as he can. His goals for this year are to focus on mental health support for students, and to advocate for a welcome grant for FLI transfer students, and others. He is excited to focus on increasing mental health resources, working to solve the unique problems facing transfer students, and advocating for the FLI community on campus.
Matthew hopes to address socioeconomic disparities, help make mental health resources more readily available, and advocate for major specific mentorship groups, and empathetic academic policy. He would like to gain a better understanding of the value of Cardinal Dollars and where they can be used to benefit the student. He also hopes to advocate for dining hall breakfast hours to end later than 9 am, and he would like to work to have the library open for longer hours.