Joint Bylaws of the Associated Students of Stanford University

On July 11, 2014 these By-Laws were updated with all known changes.

John-Lancaster Finley Chair, Administration & Rules Committee 16th Undergraduate Senate, 2014-2015 Session


All Known Previous Updates:

  1. April 14, 2009 Adam L Beberg GSC Parliamentarian, 2007-2009
  2. February 20, 2008 Ré Phillips Senate A&R Chair
  3. 14 April 2005 Chris Nguyen Chair, Administration and Rules Committee 6th Undergraduate Senate, 2004-2005 Session
  4. 1 May 2004 Sandeep Wasan Chair, Administration and Rules Committee 5th Undergraduate Senate, 2003-2004 Session
  5. 28 May 2002 Harris Shapiro ASSU Parliamentarian
  6. Winter/Spring 1999 These By-Laws were extracted from the old Senate By-Laws during
  7. February 1999 and refined during March and April 1999. Harris Shapiro Chair, 3rd Graduate Student Council, 1998-1999 Session

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 3

Article I: General 9

Section 1: Definitions 10

Section 2: General Approval Requirements 11

Section 3: Registered Students 11

Section 4: Calendar 11

  1. Opening of the Quarter 11
  2. End of the Quarter 11

Section 5: Non-Discrimination Statement 12

Section 6: Precedence of the Association By-Laws 12

Section 7: Association Policies 12

  1. Definition 12
  2. Modification 12
  3. Minimum Content 13

Section 8: Association Rules of Order 13

  1. Definition 13
  2. Modification 13
  3. Voting 13

Section 9: The Usual Guidelines 14

  1. For Notification and Appeal 14
  2. For The Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer 15

Article II: Legislative Branch 16

Section 1: Joint Meetings of the Association Legislative Bodies 16

  1. Calling Joint Meetings 16
  2. Quorum for Joint Meetings 16
  3. Presiding Officer 16
  4. Rules of Order 16
  5. Voting 16

Section 2: Joint Legislative Committees 16

Section 3: Nominations Commission 17

  1. Composition 17
  2. Officers 17
  3. Meetings 18
  4. Nominations 18
  5. Terms of the Representatives of the Association 19
  6. Interim Nominations Commission 20

Article III: Executive Branch 21

Section 1: President and Vice-President 21

  1. Duties of the President and Vice-President 21
  2. State of the Association Address 21
  3. Association Annual Report 21
  4. Committees 21

Section 2: University Committee Representatives 22

Section 3: Vacancies 22

  1. Resignation 22
  2. Disqualification 22

Section 4: Executive Committee 22

Section 5: Transition. 23

Section 6: Discretionary Spending 23

Section 7: Compensation of Cabinet Positions 23

Article IV: Judicial Branch 24

Section 1: General 24

  1. By-Laws 24
  2. Definitions 24

Section 2: Council Members, Officers, and Staff 24

  1. Definition 24
  2. Vacancies 24
  3. Salary 25
  4. Secretary 25

Section 3: Timing of Review 25

Section 4: Judicial Advocates 25

Section 5: Opinions of the Council 25

  1. Basis of an Opinion 25
  2. Delivery of Documentation 25

Article V: Elections 27

Section 1: General 27

  1. Types of Election 27
  2. Jurisdiction 27
  3. Times of Election 27
  4. Calling of Elections 27
  5. Charge of the Commission 28
  6. Election Timetable 29
  7. Election Surcharge 29
  8. Election Budget 29

Section 2: Elections Officers 30

  1. General 30
  2. Composition of the Commission 30
  3. Meetings of the Commission 32
  4. Salary Disbursement 32

Section 3: Placement of Issues on the Ballot 33

Section 4: Campaign Regulations 33

  1. Slate/Candidate Registration 33
  2. Campaign Budget and Spending Audits 35
  3. Violations of Campaign Regulations 35
  4. Additional Campaign Policies 36

Section 5: Elections Handbook 36

Section 6: Ballots 36

Section 7: Voting 36

Section 8: Tabulation of Results 36

  1. Tabulation Procedure for Presidential Nomination and Election 36
  2. Tabulation of Legislative Elections 37
  3. Resolution of Conflicts 37

Section 9: Report of Election Results 37

Section 10: Invalidation of Election Results 38

  1. Definitions 38
  2. Grounds for Invalidation 39
  3. Procedures for Invalidation 39
  4. Invalidation for Unforeseen Circumstances 40
  5. Calling New Elections 40

Section 11: Public Financing for Executive Elections 40

  1. General 40
  2. Appropriation of Funds and Campaign Expenses 40
  3. Enforcement and the Disbursement of Funds 41

Article VI: Finances 42

Section 1: General 42

  1. Financial Policies 42
  2. Funding Policies 42
  3. Freedom of Information 42
  4. Financial Organization 43
  5. Financial Manager Selection 43
  6. Assistant Financial Manager 46
  7. Fiscal Year 46

Section 2: Association Operating Budget 46

  1. General 46
  2. Budget Process and Timetable 47
  3. Budgetary Authority 48
  4. Determination of Expendable Income 49
  5. Indirect Cost Recovery 50
  6. Income Smoothing 50

Section 3: Project and Capital Budgets 50

  1. Service Projects 50
  2. Capital Budget 51

Section 4: Financial Policy and Investments 51

  1. General 51
  2. Signature Power 52
  3. Reporting 52

Section 5: Contracts, Agreements, and Borrowing 52

  1. Borrowing 52
  2. Contracts and Agreements 52
  3. Consideration by the Association Legislative Bodies 53

Section 6: Students’ Organizations Fund (SOF) 53

  1. Operating Rules 53
  2. Services Provided 53

Section 7: General and Special Fees 53

  1. General Provisions 53
  2. Special Fees 58
  3. Joint Fees 58
  4. Annual Grants 58
  5. General Fees, Standard, and Quick Grants 58
  6. Refunds 59
  7. Enforcement 60

Section 8: The Three-Year Plan 61

Article VII: Stanford Student Enterprises 62

Article VIII: Service Organizations 63

Section 1: General 63

  1. Service Organization Mandate 63
  2. Availability of Services 63
  3. Funding 63
  4. Definitions 63
  5. Authority 63
  6. Meetings 64

Section 2: Separate Service Projects and Organizations 64

Section 3: Joint Service Projects 64

  1. Association Need 64
  2. Responsibility 65
  3. Budget 65
  4. Legislative Authority 65
  5. Officers and Governance 65
  6. Service Project Policies and Standing Rules 69

Section 4: Joint Service Partnerships 69

  1. Authority 69
  2. Officers and Governance 69
  3. Terms and Concepts 69

Section 6: Legal Counseling Office Policy Board 69

  1. Definitions 69
  2. Charge 69
  3. Officers 70
  4. Governance 70
  5. Office Budget 71
  6. Office Manager 72
  7. Grievances 72
  8. Interaction with the Association Legislative Bodies 72
  9. Access to Information 73

Article X: ASSU Parliamentarian 74

Section 1: Duties 74

  1. Meeting Attendance 74
  2. Governing Documents and Legislative Catalog 74
  3. Changes to Governing Documents 74
  4. Presentation of Documents 75

Section 2: Nomination and Confirmation 75

  1. ASSU Parliamentarian Nomination Committee 75
  2. Meetings 75
  3. Confirmation of Nominee 75

Appendix I: Policies of the Association Elections 76

Section 1: General 76

  1. Times of Elections 76
  2. Election Timetable 76

Section 2: Election Issues 76

  1. General 76
  2. Coterminal Students 78
  3. Presidential Slates 78
  4. General Fee Issues 78
  5. Ballot Measures 78

Section 3: Placement of Issues on the Ballot 78

  1. General 78
  2. Declaration of Intent 79
  3. Petitions 79
  4. Special Fee Requests 85
  5. General Fee Issues 91
  6. Ballot Measures 91

Section 4: Elections Handbook 91

  1. General 91
  2. Contents 92
  3. Layout 96
  4. Distribution 96

Section 5: Ballots 96

  1. Ballot 96
  2. Contents 96
  3. Ballot Security 99

Section 6: Voting 99

  1. Method 99
  2. Start of Polling 100
  3. Voter Qualifications 100
  4. Voting from an unattended computer 100
  5. Closing of the Polls 100

Section 7: Tabulation of Results 101

  1. General 101
  2. Absentee Ballots 101
  3. Write-in Votes 101
  4. Final Tally 101

Appendix II: Association Financial Policies 103

Appendix III: Revision History 105

Section 1: 1998-1999 Session 105

Section 2: 1999-2000 Session 105

Section 3: 2000-2001 Session 105

Section 4: 2001-2002 Session 105

Section 5: 2002-2003 Session 105

Section 6: 2003-2004 Session 105

Section 7: 2004-2005 Session 106

Section 8: 2005-2006 Session 107

Section 9: 2006-2007 Session 109

Section 10: 2007-2008 Session 110

Section 11: 2008-2009 Session 110

Section 12: 2009-2010 Session 110

Section 13: 2010-2011 Session 110

Section 14: 2011-2012 Session 111

Section 15: 2013-2014 Session 111

Article I: General

Section 1: Definitions

  1. For the remainder of these By-Laws, the Undergraduate Senate shall be abbreviated US.
  2. The Association legislative bodies shall be the US and GSC.
  3. References to the Senate by any internal or external document, without specifically referring to the Undergraduate Senate, shall be construed as the Association legislative bodies.
  4. The undergraduate population shall be those members of the Association who are registered as undergraduates, as well as those coterminal students who choose to be considered as undergraduates.
  5. The graduate population shall be all members of the Association in graduate or professional degree programs, as well as those coterminal students who choose to be considered as graduate students.
  6. An Undergraduate Senate agency shall refer to any administrative unit under the sole control of the Undergraduate Senate.
  7. An Association agency shall refer to any administrative unit under the joint control of the US and GSC.
  8. A joint Association entity shall refer to any body of the Association that affects both the graduate and undergraduate populations. This shall not include the US and GSC, considered as separate legislative bodies.
  9. The elected members of the US shall be the fifteen individuals elected by the undergraduate district.
  10. The voting membership of the US shall consist of the elected members plus the Vice President of the Association.
  11. The membership of the US shall be the voting members and all ex-officio members of the US.
  12. An undergraduate student organization shall refer to any student organization whose membership and/or audience is drawn substantially from the undergraduate population.
  13. A graduate student organization shall refer to any student organization whose membership and/or audience is drawn substantially from the graduate population.
  14. Elected members of the GSC shall be those who were selected in either a special or general Association election.
  15. A member of the GSC shall be any member of the graduate population present at a GSC meeting.
  16. Unless otherwise specified, a vote of the GSC shall be a vote by voting members of the GSC only.
  17. The term ex-officio as used by any internal document, including the Constitution and all By-Laws, shall be construed as meaning “non-voting.”
  18. The executive officers of the Association shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Chair of the US, the Deputy Chair of the US, the Chair of the GSC, the Financial Officer of the GSC, the Chair of the Constitutional Council, and the Financial Manager. The officers of the Association shall consist of the executive officers plus the members of the US, the voting members of the GSC, and the members of the Constitutional Council.

Section 2: General Approval Requirements

Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or these By-Laws, for approval requirements the relevant Association legislative bodies shall be: 

  1. The US, for those matters involving or affecting only members of the undergraduate population. 
  2. The GSC, for those matters involving or affecting only members of the graduate population. 
  3. Both the US and the GSC, for those matters involving or affecting members of both the graduate and undergraduate populations.

Section 3: Registered Students

The ASSU recognizes that only  the University Registrar may determine who is a registered student. The ASSU shall grant membership accordingly to those documented by the Registrar. Postdocs shall not be considered members of the ASSU.

Section 4: Calendar

A. Opening of the Quarter

  1. The first day of the quarter shall be defined as the first day of registration. In counting days from the opening of the quarter, all days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, shall be included.

B. End of the Quarter

The last day of the quarter shall be defined as the last day on which final examinations shall be scheduled. In counting days from the end of the quarter, all days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, shall be included.

Section 5: Non-Discrimination Statement

In undertaking any authority granted to it by the Constitution of the Associated Students of Stanford University, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, or the GSC By-Laws, the US, the GSC, the Presidency, the Constitutional Council, and all other Agencies, Service Organizations, and Committees of the Association, shall not discriminate against any individual or organization on account of race, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, religion, ethnicity, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, physical or mental ability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law or the University’s non-discrimination policy.

Section 6: Precedence of the Association By-Laws

Unless otherwise stated in the Constitution of these By-Laws, these By-Laws shall take precedence over the US By-Laws and the GSC By-Laws.

Section 7: Association Policies

A. Definition

The Association Policies shall be the details of the organizational structure and specification of any joint Association entity. They shall contain information sufficiently important to require some form of joint US/GSC approval to change, but sufficiently malleable that the rigidity of the By-Laws modification procedure would be inappropriate. The Association Policies shall govern in all cases where they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and these By- Laws. The Association Policies shall be set forth in a series of Appendices to these By-Laws, each containing the policies for a separate administrative subunit of the Association.

B. Modification

  1. Association Policies affecting the US and the GSC. The portion of the Association Policies that affect the US and the GSC may be adopted, amended, or repealed by a 2/3 vote of the US and the GSC. 
  2. Association Policies not affecting the US and the GSC.
    1. May be adopted, amended, or repealed by a 2/3 vote of the governing body of the affected Association entity and a majority vote of both the US and the GSC. 
    2. May be adopted, amended, or repealed by a 2/3 vote of both the US and the GSC, provided that consultation with the governing body of the affected Association entity has occurred.

C. Minimum Content

The minimum content of the Association Policies shall be contained in the section of these By-Laws pertaining to the relevant Association entities.

Section 8: Association Rules of Order

A. Definition

Association Rules of Order shall be the written rules of parliamentary procedure adopted by any joint Association entity. Examples of such entities include, but are not limited to the Executive branch, the Constitutional Council, the joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies, and joint Service Organizations. These Rules of Order shall govern their respective bodies in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, or the GSC By-Laws.

B. Modification

  1. The US and GSC shall jointly have the power to adopt, amend, or repeal Rules of Order for their joint meetings. These modifications shall be done by a 2/3 vote of each Association legislative body, provided that previous notice has been given. 
  2. A joint Association entity shall have the power to adopt, amend, or repeal Rules of Order for its respective operation. These modifications shall be done by a 2/3 vote, provided that previous notice has been given.

C. Voting

  1. No item of business shall be transacted by a joint Association entity unless pursuant to a vote of that body during a properly called meeting at which a quorum is present. 
  2. Unless otherwise indicated, all votes by a joint Association entity shall be by a majority of those members present and voting. 
  3. Unless otherwise indicated, in those cases where a 2/3 vote is indicated for a joint Association entity, this shall be 2/3 of those members present and voting. 
  4. Unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or these By-Laws, all ex-officio members of a joint Association entity established under the Constitution or these By-Laws shall be without vote in that entity. 
  5. Previous Notice 
    1. Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or these By-Laws, previous or prior notice shall consist of written notice distributed during the immediately previous meeting of the appropriate joint Association entity. Such notice must include enough information so as to clearly define the scope and degree of the proposed motion. Any modifications of the motion outside of this scope or degree shall invalidate the previous notice.
    2. However, for proposed legislation arising spontaneously out of the business transacted at a meeting of a joint Association entity, which proposed legislation could not reasonably have been foreseen prior to that meeting, previous notice may consist of the announcement at that meeting of the proposed topic of legislation, provided that written notice meeting the above requirements is made available to all members of that body within 24 hours.

Section 9: The Usual Guidelines

Except as explicitly noted elsewhere, all of the usual guidelines shall be assumed

to apply in the situations that they describe, even if not explicitly invoked in the governing documents in which those situations arise.

A. For Notification and Appeal

  1. Any individual or organization subject to possible disciplinary action by any Association entity must be given written notice of the intended action at least 72 hours before the meeting at which the disciplinary action would be approved. The relevant Association legislative bodies must also be informed of the proposed disciplinary action by the same deadline. 
  2. Any individual or organization subject to possible disciplinary action must be allowed to speak in her/his defense at the meeting at which the disciplinary action would be approved, except as otherwise stated in the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, or the GSC By-Laws. 
  3. If the disciplinary action is being imposed by an Association entity, other than the US or the GSC, that is subject to oversight by one or both of those legislative bodies, the individual or organization subject to that disciplinary action may appeal it to the relevant Association legislative bodies. 
  4. Unless otherwise specified, if an imposition of disciplinary action is appealed to the relevant Association legislative bodies, those bodies may overturn the action by a 2/3 vote.

C. For The Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer

  1. For the purposes of the Guideline, “appointed officer” shall be taken to mean any position whose occupant must be approved by one or both Association legislative bodies. Only those officers falling under this category shall have the rights guaranteed in this Guideline. 
  2. The subject of such a removal must be given all rights listed in the Usual Guidelines for Notification and Appeal. 
  3. No appointed officer may be removed for political reasons.


Article II: Legislative Branch

Section 1: Joint Meetings of the Association Legislative Bodies

A. Calling Joint Meetings

  1. The Executive Committee may call joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies by consensus. 
  2. The Chairs of the Association legislative bodies may jointly call joint meetings.
  3. The Association legislative bodies may call joint meetings by a majority vote of each body. 
  4. Adequate public notice must be given of each joint meeting.

B. Quorum for Joint Meetings

Quorum for joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies shall consist of a majority of the non-vacant seats of each body.

C. Presiding Officer

The Vice President of the Association shall be the Presiding Officer of all joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies.

D. Rules of Order

The Rules of Order of the Association Legislative Bodies shall govern the proceedings of all joint meetings.

E. Voting

Unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or these By-Laws, all votes at joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies shall be taken by the Association legislative bodies as a whole. However, upon the request of any member of either Association legislative body, an item of business must be approved by each Association legislative body voting separately in order to be approved.

Section 2: Joint Legislative Committees

The US and the GSC shall jointly have the power to create joint legislative committees for specific purposes, to vest in them all appropriate powers of the US and the GSC, to determine their composition, and to designate the chair of each. All substantive actions of a joint legislative committee shall take the form of recommendations to the US and the GSC, except as otherwise provided herein.

Section 3: Nominations Commission

A. Composition

  1. Any interviews of applicants for positions on the Commission shall be held jointly by the US Committee on Committees, 1 or 2 GSC designee(s), and the President of the Association.
  2. The President of the Association, the US Committee Staff Assistants, and a GSC designee shall serve as ex-officio members of the Commission.
  3. No member of the Commission shall, during her/his term, hold an elected office of the Association. 
  4. No member of the Commission shall, during her/his term, apply for a position for which the Commission is responsible for nominating someone. 
  5. The US Committee on Committees and the President of the Association shall submit to the US their nominations of candidates to serve on the Commission no later than the end the eighth week of Autumn Quarter.
  6. The GSC (or its designee(s)) and the President of the Association shall submit to the GSC their nominations of candidates to serve on the Commission no later than the end of the eighth week of Autumn Quarter. 
  7. Following the approval of a Nominations Commission by both legislative bodies, the Executive Committee shall nominate one of the members to serve as Chair of the Commission. 
  8. Provided that they have been jointly confirmed by the US and the GSC, the newly-appointed members of the Commission shall be known as voting members and take office on the first day of Winter quarter, and shall serve a one-year term, ending on the last day of Fall Quarter.

B. Officers

  1. Chair
    1. Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission 
    2. Shall preside at meetings of the Commission, and shall vote only in cases where it would be decisive. 
    3. Shall meet at least once every month with the Executive Committee.
  2. Deputy Chair
    1. Shall serve for the term of the Commission, unless removed from office earlier.
    2. Shall be chosen by the Chair of the Commission, and may be removed by the Chair at any time. 
    3. Shall perform any administrative tasks requested by the Chair. 
    4. Shall preside at meetings of the Commission in the absence of the Chair, and at those times shall vote only in cases where it would be decisive. 
    5. All officers of the Commission shall be paid a salary as specified in the Nominations Commission budget.

C. Meetings

  1. Before the middle of Winter Quarter, the Chair of the Commission shall present to the Association legislative bodies for their approval schedules of the undergraduate, graduate, and joint appointment processes for the term of the Commission. These schedules shall specify:
    1. the dates on which committee positions shall be advertised b. the dates on which applications shall be due; c. the dates by which the Commission shall hold interviews; d. the dates by which the Commission’s report shall be available to the members of the Association legislative bodies.
  2. Each appointment process schedule need only be approved by the relevant Association legislative body.
  3. Subsequent changes to either of these schedules shall be approved by the President before becoming effective.
  4. Complete records of all actions taken by the Commission shall be filed with the Association Office in a timely manner and shall be available for public scrutiny in accordance with the ASSU Freedom of Information policy.

D. Nominations

  1. Any interviews of applicants for any position must be conducted by at least 3 members of the Commission of which at least 2 must be voting members. Members of the Commission shall be paid a wage if specified in the Annual Budget for the time spent in interviews.
  2. All nominations of individuals must be made during a meeting of the Commission at which a quorum of the Commission is present. No nominations shall be made without the affirmative vote of 4 voting members of the Commission.
  3. The Commission shall give priority to those individuals seeking nominations based upon the following criteria:
    1. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to communicate to the Association their actions in the position.
    2. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to seek out from the Association information and opinion to guide them in the position.
    3. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to strongly advocate the interests of the members of the Association.
    4. Individuals presently serving in that position, provided that they have served only one year.
  4. The Commission shall make its nominations based upon additional requirements and criteria specified by the relevant Association legislative bodies when the body approves the schedule for the appointment processes of the Commission.
  5. The Commission shall make its nominations based upon additional objective requirements and objective criteria formally specified by the authority appointing the committee. All new requirements and criteria for nominations must be noted in the Commission’s report to the Association legislative bodies before interviewing commences.
  6. The Commission’s nominations shall not be influenced by any informal suggestions or recommendations (especially from the target committee or members thereof), except those made by members of the Commission.
  7. No nomination shall be considered by an Association legislative body unless it was made available in writing to voting members of that body at least 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting at which it is to be considered.
  8. A nomination of a member of the Association shall consist of her/his name, class, major (if an undergraduate) or department/school (if a graduate), student ID number, and additional information at the discretion of the Commission or at the request of the legislative bodies. All nominations that were made through the applicant pool for unadvertised positions, or through re-direction of an applicant to a committee other than the one to which s/he originally applied, shall be so indicated.
  9. The Nominations Commission shall make its nominations available to the public prior to submitting them to relevant legislative bodies, however they shall not be in any way deemed official prior to the confirmation of the nomination.
  10. Should the Commission determine that there are not qualified applicants for one or more committee openings, or if one or more of the Commission’s nominees are rejected by either Association legislative body, the Commission may decide to re-advertise the committee opening(s), or to solicit applications from specific individuals or groups.

E. Terms of the Representatives of the Association

  1. The terms of all student representatives shall commence on September 1, except for those committees that the US Committee on Committees, or the GSC (or its designee(s)), determine require a different commencement date.
  2. All terms of representatives shall be for one year.

F. Interim Nominations Commission 

  1. If the President of the Association determines that a member of the Commission not available to serve during a period of time during which the Commission may be required to conduct business then the Executive Committee may nominate an interim member to substitute for the full member. If the Chair is also unavailable, the Executive Committee shall nominate one of the available members to serve as an interim Chair of the commission.
  2. Interim members or Chairs of the Nominations Commission take office at a time specified by the Executive Committee and serve until a date specified by the Executive Committee or when the member being replaced becomes available again, whichever comes sooner. An interim member of the Nominations Commission must be approved at the first meeting of the each legislative body following their nomination unless their term has already expired. Once an interim member of the Nominations Commission has been rejected by a legislative body, that person may not be nominated as an interim member without approval by that legislative body.
  3. Any nominations made by a Nominations Commission with interim members shall be so noted when the nomination is submitted to a legislative body for approval.

Article III: Executive Branch

Section 1: President and Vice-President

A. Duties of the President and Vice-President

  1. In addition to those duties described in the Constitution, the President shall:
    1. Coordinate with the US Treasurer and the GSC (or its designee(s)) the production of the Association Annual Report.
    2. Oversee the operations of all Association Service Projects. 
    3. In conjunction with the Financial Manager, oversee the finances of the Association, including all Association Business Projects.
    4. Work with the Nominations Commission to oversee the University committee system.
  2. The President may delegate any of these duties to the Vice-President or to other members of the Association but ultimate responsibility lies with the President.

B. State of the Association Address

The President of the Association shall outline the current status of the Association and summarize its goals for the upcoming quarter in an address to a joint meeting of the Association legislative bodies, to be given between the third and fifth week of Winter Quarter. Any changes in the operations or personnel of the Executive branch shall be announced at this time.

C. Association Annual Report

The President of the Association shall be responsible for presenting an annual report of the Association activities by the sixth week of Spring quarter. This report should contain descriptions and explanations of actions or programs sponsored by the Association, as well as a financial statement for the Association and its affiliates.

D. Committees

The President and Vice-President shall have the right to designate a representative to serve in their stead on all committees of which one of them is a member according to these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.

Section 2: University Committee Representatives

The President shall meet with Association representatives on university committees, along with interested members of the Association legislative bodies, on a periodic basis to discuss and route issues and action items.

Section 3: Vacancies

A position in the Executive branch of the Association shall become vacant upon the death, resignation, removal or disqualification of the person otherwise entitled to hold such office.

A. Resignation

A member of the Executive branch shall be deemed to have resigned upon submission to the Association legislative bodies of a written statement of resignation.

B. Disqualification

A member of the Executive branch shall be disqualified from office upon failure to satisfy the qualifications provided by the Constitution and these By-Laws.

Section 4: Executive Committee

  1. In addition to the powers and composition detailed in the Constitution, the Executive Committee shall have those powers and responsibilities listed in these By-Laws. Unless otherwise specified, all decisions of the Executive Committee shall be made by consensus.
  2. The Executive Committee shall have the power to create joint committees of the legislative bodies.
  3. The Executive Committee shall ensure that the following information be available to all members of the Association in electronic and paper form. Any proprietary business information or employee information related to Stanford Student Enterprises shall not be made available to anyone other than the President or members of the Association legislative bodies without the consent of the Board of Directors of Stanford Student Enterprises or its designee. 
    1. The Constitution
    2. Bylaws and policies approved by the legislative bodies
    3. The Treasurer’s Handbook
    4. The Charter, bylaws, and policies of Stanford Student Enterprises
    5. The minutes of official meetings of the Association
    6. The names and titles of all elected and appointed officials

Section 5: Transition.

The term of the ASSU President and Vice President shall end two weeks after voting in the ASSU Election concludes and their successors shall take office immediately thereafter.

Section 6: Discretionary Spending

Spending more than $1000 of executive discretionary funds on a given event requires majority approval from both legislative bodies.

Section 7: Compensation of Cabinet Positions

  1. For positions other than chief of staff, the maximum compensation is $500 per year.
  2. For compensation of positions other than chief of staff, the compensation must be defined before an individual can be nominated to the position. The bill to define compensation must contain specific goals and the specific compensation. Majority approval of both legislative bodies is required to pass the bill. Compensation for positions expire at the end of a President’s term.
  3. At the end of the fall quarter, the executives must submit a brief progress report on the stated goals.
  4. At the beginning of the winter quarter, both legislative bodies must reauthorize compensation.

Article IV: Judicial Branch

Section 1: General

A. By-Laws

The Association legislative bodies shall jointly have the sole right to author or amend any By-Laws governing the Constitutional Council or its operations. During debate on any item that alters the By-Laws governing the Constitutional Council or its operations, all members of the Council shall be given ex-officio membership in the Association legislative bodies.

B. Definitions

  1. Within this article, Chair shall refer to the Chair of the Constitutional Council, unless specified otherwise. 
  2. Within this article, Council shall refer to the Constitutional Council, unless specified otherwise.
  3. Within this article, Constitution shall refer to The Constitution of the Associated Students of Stanford University, as amended, unless specified otherwise.

Section 2: Council Members, Officers, and Staff

A. Definition 

  1. The executive officer of the Council shall be its Chair. 
  2. The officers shall be all members of the Council. 
  3. Officers of the Council shall be empowered to select staff to assist them in their duties.

B. Vacancies

An office on the Council shall become vacant upon the death, resignation, expulsion, or disqualification of the individual entitled to hold that office. 

  1. An officer shall be deemed to have resigned upon submission of a written statement of resignation to the Chair, or, in the case of the death of the Chair, to the President of the Association. 
  2. An officer shall be deemed to be removed upon passage of an order of removal, as specified in the Constitution. The removal shall take effect upon written notice from the President of the Association. 
  3. An officer shall be deemed to be disqualified upon violating the qualifications for Constitutional Council officers as laid down in the Constitution. The disqualification shall take effect upon written notice from the President of the Association.

C. Salary

All officers and staff of the Council may be paid a salary if specified in the Association budget.

D. Secretary

  1. Shall be appointed by the Chair and may be removed by the Chair at any time.
  2. Shall keep all records of the Council and shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Council.

Section 3: Timing of Review

Days between quarters shall not be counted for the purpose of meeting timing requirements as specified in the Constitution, or these By-Laws, unless specified otherwise.

Section 4: Judicial Advocates

The representative offered to individuals (as specified in Article IV, Section 2, Subsection C, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution) shall not be a member of the Council, and may be paid a salary, if stipulated in the Association budget.

Section 5: Opinions of the Council

A. Basis of an Opinion

“When the Council makes a decision by a majority vote,” shall mean that all decisions of the Council must be made by a majority to be binding.

B. Delivery of Documentation

The Chair of the Council shall ensure that the Secretary of the Council delivers all minutes, opinions, meeting times, and agendas of the Council, in writing, to the President of the Association, and all individuals who are a party in the case under the same constraints as specified in Article IV, Section 2, Paragraphs C.6,7 of the Constitution.

Article V: Elections

Section 1: General

A. Types of Election

  1. General elections are those in which all members of the Association are eligible to vote.
  2. Special elections are those in which only a well-defined subset of the Association is eligible to vote.
  3. General and special elections shall be collectively known as Association elections (referred to in this Article as “elections”). 
  4. Runoff elections are those resulting from a failure of an Association election to produce a winner (referred to in this article as a “runoff”). A runoff election can be a general election or a special election, depending on the type of the preceding election.

B. Jurisdiction

The Policies of the Association Elections shall apply to all Association elections. Elections Policies issued by individual legislative bodies shall apply to candidates, slates, and issues on which their respective populations are eligible to vote.

C. Times of Election

The timing of various elections shall be specified in the Policies of the Elections Commission, except as specified in the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By- Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Association Election Policies, or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.

D. Calling of Elections

  1. Elections shall normally be held at the times and places, and in the manner specified, by the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, the Policies of the Association Elections, and the Elections Policies of relevant Association legislative bodies. If an election is not certified, then the relevant Association legislative bodies may call for an additional election to be held at the times and places specified in the Charge of the Commission. For the US, this shall require a 2/3 vote; the GSC procedure shall be specified in the GSC By-Laws or Policies.
  2. The relevant Association legislative bodies may, by a 2/3 vote, call additional elections for recalling officers, filling vacancies in offices, and approving ballot measures.
  3. The Elections Commissioner may call a runoff election. 
  4. The relevant Association legislative bodies may overrule the calling of the runoff. For the US, this shall require a 2/3 vote; the GSC procedure shall be specified in the GSC By-Laws or Policies.

E. Charge of the Commission

The purpose of the Commission shall be:

  1. To enforce the resolutions approved by the relevant Association legislative which:
    1. Call for additional elections
    2. Specify specific duties of the Commission
    3. Call for additional elections
    4. Clarify Association governing documents Constitution, these By-laws
    5. Approve the Commission’s actions or requests prior to an election.
  2. To oversee any logistical operations of Association elections. This includes the hiring of all elections staff, including the creation and staffing of polling stations, the publicity of the commission, and the creation and maintenance of an elections webpage.
  3. To give proper notification to all the eligible voters of each election. This notification shall include, but need not be limited to, announcements of all elective offices, the times, places, and manner of voting, and the solicitation of Special Fee requests, ballot measures, and statements in opposition to them, and the production of the Elections Handbook in web format.
  4. To provide complete information on how candidates can place themselves on the ballot and to ensure that petition forms, declaration of intent forms, guidelines for submitting Special Fee requests, and copies of any relevant campaign rules are available to candidates, slates, and sponsors through at least one well-advertised informational meeting during Winter Quarter
  5. To coordinate and serve as liaison between the ASSU and students with regards to elections affairs. This includes communicating with all campaigners, coordinating the activities of all special fee applicants, and making statements to the campus media regarding the elections process.
  6. To serve as the primary reference on all issues regarding the interpretation of By-Laws and Policies relating to campaigning and eligibility
  7. To devise and implement the procedures for carrying out all elections and elections operations, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  8. To determine the eligibility of candidates for elective office, of Special-Fee requests, and of all ballot measures. This determination shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  9. To ensure that off-campus students are able to participate fully in elections, including candidate registration information and voter information.
  10. To compile and report the results of all elections. This includes the presentation of statistics and figures for the relevant Association legislative bodies, the counting of all ballots, and recommendations as to the validity of the election and of each of the results.
  11. To compile and update the Elections Commission Handbook. This handbook shall include all information necessary to complete the Charge of the Commission as listed above, and shall be updated by the sitting Commission immediately prior to selection of the new Commission. The handbook will serve as the primary transition document for the Commission. This document will be comprehensive, and must be made available in electronic form.

F. Election Timetable

The details of the specification of the election timetable shall be included in the Association Elections Policies or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.

G. Election Surcharge

Each Fee levied by the Association shall be charged a uniform percentage surcharge on the amount authorized for collection by the Association.

H. Election Budget

  1. All expenses incurred, and all income received, by the Commission shall be specified in the budget of the Commission. 
  2. Expenses shall include, but need not be limited to, general administrative expenses, indirect cost recovery, salaries and wages of election officers, expenses of the Hearings Committee, general publicity, the Elections Handbook, polling, ballots, ballot counting, and a budget reserve.
  3. Income shall include, but need not be limited to, an Association allowance, a University allowance, and funds in the Elections Surcharge account. All unexpected income shall be credited to the budget reserve.
  4. The Commission may transfer funds from the budget reserve into any other expense category except Commission salaries, provided that prompt notice is given to the Association legislative bodies of all such transfers.

Section 2: Elections Officers

A. General

  1. The members of the Elections Commission (hereafter “the Commission”) and the staff of the Commission shall be known as the election officers.
  2. No election officer may be hindered by any member or officer of the Association in any way in the performance of her/his duties.
  3. Election officers shall be compensated in the amount and manner specified in the budget of the Commission.
  4. The Commission shall operate under the oversight of the Executive Committee in devising and implementing the procedures for carrying out elections and other purely administrative matters. However, subject to the provisions of the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, these Elections Policies, and the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies, the Commission shall exercise its independent judgment in:
    1. determining the eligibility of candidates, slates, sponsors, Special Fee requests, and ballot measures;
    2. the validity of nominating petitions;
    3. the design and implementation of all voting materials;
    4. in making all other substantive decisions.
  5. Interpretation of Elections Procedure: The relevant Association legislative bodies may overrule a decision of the Commission by a 2/3 vote. Should any ambiguities be found by the Elections Commission, they should be reported to the Association Legislative bodies for feedback.

B. Composition of the Commission

  1. The Commission shall consist of the Elections Commissioner and whatever Assistant Elections Commissioners are deemed necessary by the Elections Officers’ Selection Committee. At least one Assistant Elections Commissioner must be a member of each Association population.
  2.  Elections Officers’ Selection Committee
    1. For the remainder of this article, the Elections Officers’ Selection Committee shall be referred to as the EOSC.
    2. The EOSC shall consist of the following members:
      1. The current Elections Commissioner, who shall chair the committee.
      2. The President of the Association in office at the time of the last election held.
      3. The President of the Association elected in the last election held, if different from (ii).
      4. One member of the US in office at the time of the last election held.
      5. One GSC designee.
      6. A US designee or a GSC designee, whichever is a member of the population that has fewer members on the EOSC.
    3. Quorum for the EOSC shall consist of 5 voting members of the EOSC. 
    4. All decisions of the EOSC, including the initial screening of the applicants, shall be by a quorum of the EOSC.
    5. No decision of the EOSC shall be valid unless approved by a majority of the EOSC.
  3. Appointment of the Elections Commissioners
    1. Shall be nominated in the Spring Quarter by the EOSC, in accordance with section 2.C.2 of these Policies.
    2. Shall be confirmed by the Association legislative bodies in the Spring Quarter by a 2/3 vote.
    3. On the Friday prior to commencement, the new Elections Commissioner shall take office. The Elections Commissioner shall serve until a successor has taken office.
  4.  Appointment of the Assistant Elections Commissioner
    1. Shall be nominated in the Spring Quarter by the EOSC, in accordance with section 2.C.2 of these Policies.
    2. Shall be confirmed by the Association legislative bodies in the Spring Quarter by a 2/3 vote.
    3. Shall assume office in the Autumn Quarter, and serve until her/his successor has been confirmed.
  5. If any member of the Commission has failed to discharge her/his duties responsibly and in a non-partisan manner, then the Association legislative bodies, by a 2/3 vote, may remove the member in question from the Commission, subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.
  6. Any vacancies occurring on the Commission shall be filled by the Association legislative bodies by a 2/3 vote.

C. Meetings of the Commission

  1. Meetings may be called by the chair of the Commission or any 2 members of the Commission.
  2. All members of the Commission shall receive proper notification of these meetings.
  3. Minutes taken at these meetings shall be filed with the Association Office in a timely manner.
  4. All actions taken by the Commission shall be taken only after approval by a majority of the Commission during a meeting of the Commission, unless otherwise specified in the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, these Policies, or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  1. Duties of the Commissioners
  1. Elections Commissioner
    1. Shall be the Commission’s’ principal spokesperson.
    2. Shall prepare a general timetable of all Commission activities.
    3. Shall devise the budget of the Commission with the Association budget.
    4. Shall be the primary developer of campaign and elections policy and policy implementation.
  2. There shall be no fewer than three Assistant Elections Commissioners chosen by the EOSC. Duties shall be apportioned among them by the Elections Commissioner, upon recommendation by the EOSC.
  3. The technical specialist shall be a person or group of people responsible for the technical needs of the election.
  4. Technical Specialist
    1. Shall acquire or arrange for the use of sufficient computing resources to run online elections. 
    2. Shall design and implement the online version of the ballot. 
    3. Shall maintain and/or modify any computer programming code required to run the elections.
    4. Shall run the code during the elections.
    5. Shall supervise the online elections process to prevent security breaches.
    6. Shall produce election results in a timely manner.

E. Salary Disbursement

  1. Election Commissioner salary disbursement
    1. 1/2 shall be paid before the results of the Spring Quarter General Election take effect.
    2. 1/4 shall be paid after the results of the Spring Quarter General Election take effect but before the end of Spring Quarter for administering a well-run election.
    3. 1/4 shall be paid upon selection and training of his/her successor in the Spring Quarter, with the expectation that the Elections Commissioner will serve in an advisory role during the Summer and Autumn quarters.
  2. Assistant Elections Commission salary disbursement
    1. 2/3 shall be paid before the results of the Spring Quarter General Election take effect.
    2. 1/3 shall be paid after the results of the Spring Quarter General Election take effect but before the end of Spring Quarter.

Section 3: Placement of Issues on the Ballot

The Association Election Policies and the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies shall contain the procedures for placing various issues on the ballot.

Section 4: Campaign Regulations

A. Slate/Candidate Registration

  1. Before members of the Association forming a slate for the Executive Office (an Executive Slate) submit their petitions to the Elections Commission for verification, the Slate must sign a statement stating the following:
    1. “We, the undersigned members of this Executive Slate, shall abide by all Association rules and regulations including those listed below:”
      1. “Elections Caps”
      2. “Advertising restrictions”
    2. “We understand that violation of these rules and regulations may result in ineligibility to run for/hold ASSU office until the following spring quarter.” 
  2. Before a member of the Association seeking to become an elected member of the Undergraduate Senate or Graduate Student Council submits their petitions to the Elections Commission for verification, the Slate must sign a statement stating the following:
    1. “I, the candidate for Undergraduate Senator/Graduate Student Council Member, shall abide by all Association rules and regulations including those listed below:”
      1. “Elections Caps”
      2. “Advertising restrictions” 
    2. “I understand that violation of these rules and regulations may result in ineligibility to run for/hold ASSU office until the following spring quarter.”
  3. Before members of the Association forming a slate for Class Presidency (a Class Presidency Slate) submit their petitions to the Elections Commission for verification, the Slate must sign a statement stating the following: 
    1. “We, the undersigned members of this Class Presidency Slate, shall abide by all Association rules and regulations including those listed below:”
      1. “Elections Caps” 
      2. “Advertising restrictions” 
    2. “We understand that violation of these rules and regulations may result in ineligibility to run for/hold ASSU office until the following spring quarter.”
  4. Slates/candidates must submit receipts for all campaign related expenses within 24 hours of the official conclusion of campaign week (when voting polls close). Receipts must corroborate the budget submitted to the EC and Financial Manager at the start of campaign week as well as all successfully petitioned changes to the budget.
  5. Slates/candidates shall submit all receipts, purchase orders, invoices, etc of all campaign expenditures, within 24 hours of the closing of polls during the Elections period to the Financial Manager. Donations (both monetary and in-kind) from any individuals or organizations shall count as campaign expenditures. Documentation of these donations should also be submitted to the Financial Manager. 
  6. Campaign Spending/Expenditures shall include but not be limited to the following: flyers, banners and other signage, t-shirts, apparel, accessories and other merchandise, advertising, food/beverage, event costs, website costs, publicity, and all other expenses reasonably associated with the campaign.
  7. All campaign expenditures shall be in accordance with California and Federal law as well as Stanford University’s Fundamental Standard.
  8. Campaign expenditures (including donations) for Executive slates shall not exceed $500. 
  9. Campaign expenditures (including donations) for Class Presidency slates shall not exceed $100.
  10. Campaign expenditures (including donations) for Undergraduate Senate/Graduate Student Council candidates shall not exceed $100.
  11. Candidates/slates for Undergraduate Senate, Graduate Student Council, and Class Presidency that qualify for ballot access with the required number of signatures will also qualify for public financing.

B. Campaign Budget and Spending Audits

  1. The Financial Manager shall conduct an ongoing audit of each slate/candidate during and after campaign week.
  2. If the Financial Manager finds any irregularities in the course of conducting an audit, this evidence shall be forwarded to all of the Solicitors General, as well as the current President of the Association, the Chair of the Undergraduate Senate and the Chair of the Graduate Student Council. The Solicitors General must present this evidence to the Constitutional Council.
  3. If the Constitutional Council does not deem the case frivolous, the case shall be heard in accordance with the Association governing documents.

C. Violations of Campaign Regulations

  1. If the Constitutional Council finds that an Executive Slate, Class Presidency Slate or candidate for the Undergraduate Senate/Graduate Student Council has violated the Campaign Regulations, the Council shall enact an appropriate sanction.
  2. The Standard Sanction for violation of the Campaign Regulations shall be: All members of the Executive Slate, Class Presidency Slate or candidate for the Undergraduate Senate/Graduate Student Council found in violation of the Campaign Regulations shall be barred from running/campaigning for any ASSU position until the next Spring Quarter General Election, or one year, whichever period is shorter.
    1. If the violation is found before the opening of polls, the slate or candidate shall be removed from the ballot.
    2. If such a finding is made after the conclusion of voting, then the slate/candidate shall be disqualified and the second-place slate/candidate shall be declared the winner. The second-place slate/candidate must meet all requirements for candidacy.
  3. If a slate or candidate is found by the Constitutional Council to have violated subsection A, its members may appeal to have a hearing conducted in accordance with the Association rights of the accused.

D. Additional Campaign Policies

The Association Elections Policies and the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies shall contain additional campaign regulations as deemed necessary and appropriate.

Section 5: Elections Handbook

The Association Elections Policies or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies shall contain the specification of the contents of the Elections Handbook, as well as the requirements for its distribution.

Section 6: Ballots

The Association Elections Policies or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies shall contain the specification of the content and format of the elections ballots.

Section 7: Voting

  1. For Presidential nomination and election, voters shall rank slates on their ballots in order of preference, and may choose not to indicate a preference for a given slate.
  2. In addition, the Association Elections Policies or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies shall contain the following minimum information concerning voting:
    1. The method of voting.
    2. The start and end of polling times.
    3. Voter qualifications.
    4. Manner of obtaining signatures for petitions.
    5. Procedures for voting from an unattended computer.

Section 8: Tabulation of Results

A. Tabulation Procedure for Presidential Nomination and Election

  1. The nomination process shall take place in successive Primary Elections using the rankings on voters’ ballots cast in a General Election.
  2. In each election, the highest-ranked valid votes on voters’ ballots shall be tallied, and the slate with the fewest votes shall be eliminated. Votes for that slate shall not be considered valid in subsequent elections. If no valid choice is indicated on a ballot, then that ballot shall be removed from subsequent tallies.
  3. Primary elections shall be repeated until two slates remain.
  4. The highest-ranked valid choices on voters’ ballots shall be tallied in a final election. This result, together with the number of ballots cast in the General Election that do not contribute to this tally, shall constitute the result of the Presidential Election.
  5. If necessary, the result of the final election shall constitute the result of the Presidential runoff election.
  6. If resolution of a tie vote is necessary to determine the slate to be eliminated in a given Primary Election or the winner of a Presidential Election, the tie shall be resolved by eliminating the tied slate that had the fewest votes in successively previous elections until the tie is resolved or all previous elections have been considered. If the tie cannot be resolved by this method, the Elections Commissioner shall present to the Association legislative bodies, along with executive vote totals, the breakdown of each tied slate’s votes by population. The ties shall be resolved in favor of the slate with the most evenly distributed vote total between the graduate and undergraduate populations.

B. Tabulation of Legislative Elections

The Association Elections Policies or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies shall contain the procedures for tabulating the results of elections, as well as the procedure for requesting a recount.

C. Resolution of Conflicts

  1. A conflict shall exist when two or more ballot measures contain sections which, if they were certified, could not all be implemented.
  2. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall divide the ballot measures in question by section, and shall then certify all sections which do not conflict before any conflict is resolved.
  3. A conflict between a Constitutional amendment and a referendum shall be resolved in favor of the Constitutional amendment, which shall then be certified.
  4. From each set of sections remaining in conflict the one whose ballot measure secured the highest percentage of votes shall be certified.

Section 9: Report of Election Results

  1. The Elections Commissioner shall present to the relevant Association legislative bodies the results of all elections and voting within seven days of the conclusion of the end of the polling period. This section shall not govern elections called under the terms of Article VI, Section 2, Subsections D and E of the Constitution. B. The results of the election presented by the Elections Commissioner shall take the form of a document stating:
    1. The appropriate office;
    2. Special Fee request, or ballot measure;
    3. The number of votes cast for the appropriate candidate or slate, or the number of votes cast in favor of and in opposition to the appropriate Special Fee request of ballot measure;
    4. A statement regarding the proper conduct of the election to include specifying any issues that may be of special concern;
    5. Any other information deemed appropriate by the Commission.
  2. The procedure for certification of results for US elections shall be specified in the US By-Laws. The procedure for certification of results, if any, for GSC elections shall be specified in the GSC By-Laws.
  3. The US By-Laws shall have sole jurisdiction over the certification and/or invalidation of elections affecting only the undergraduate population, unless specified otherwise in the US By-Laws. The GSC By-Laws shall have sole jurisdiction over the certification and/or invalidation of elections affecting only the graduate population, unless otherwise specified in the GSC By-Laws.

Section 10: Invalidation of Election Results

A. Definitions

  1. Voter fraud shall be defined as a successful attempt to:
    1. Tamper with or interfere with the correct operation of, or damage in order to prevent the use of, any currently approved voting technology, means, or procedure;
    2. Interfere with the secrecy of voting or ballot tally software programs;
    3. Substitute forged or counterfeit voting or ballot tally software programs;
    4. Manipulate the results of an election after ballots have been cast;
    5. Manipulate any person’s ballot;
    6. Cast another person’s ballot;
    7. Cast a ballot by a non-member of the Association;
  2. Force majeure shall be defined as fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, explosions, riots, civil disturbances, acts of God, wars, acts of terrorism, massive electrical or Internet service outages, closure or evacuation of the University campus, theft or disappearance of Elections Commission equipment necessary for the casting or tabulation of ballots, a malfunctioning of Elections Commission equipment that affected the outcome of an election, or any University, municipal, county, state, national, or international ordinances or laws that adversely affect the ability of the Association population to cast votes in an election.
  3. Manifestation shall mean that evidence has been brought forth to the attention of the Association.
  4. Voter disenfranchisement shall be defined as the lesser amount of either:
    1. The manifestation of the inability, due to force majeure, of at least 2% of the entire Association population to cast votes;
    2. The manifestation of the inability, due to force majeure, of a portion of the entire Association population large enough to affect the outcome of an election to cast votes.
    3. The lack of manifestation in the above cases shall allow the results to proceed without official investigation or interference.
  5. Invalidation shall be defined as the rendering of election results, by the lawfully empowered Association body, to be null and void once voter disenfranchisement has been investigated and affirmed.
  6. This section of these By-Laws shall only have jurisdiction over the results of elections involving the entire Association population. This section shall not govern elections involving only the undergraduate population, unless otherwise specified in the US By-Laws. This section shall not govern elections involving only the graduate population, unless otherwise specified in the GSC By-Laws.

B. Grounds for Invalidation

The Association legislative bodies shall have power to invalidate the results of an election involving the entire Association population only in the event of voter fraud, voter disenfranchisement, an election that was conducted in a partisan manner by the elections officers, or an election that was not in accordance with the Constitution.

C. Procedures for Invalidation

  1. A request for invalidation of the results of an election involving the entire Association population must be signed (i.e., sponsored) by at least one voting member of each Association legislative body. This request must be filed no more than two weeks after the end of the polling period of the election.
  2. The Association legislative bodies shall each vote on the request for invalidation within two weeks of the submission of the request for invalidation.
  3. An election involving the entire Association population may only be invalidated by a supermajority vote of 2/3 of each Association legislative body.
  4. Should voter fraud or voter disenfranchisement affect only a portion of an election, the Association legislative bodies shall have the power to invalidate only the affected portion. The unaffected portions of the election shall not be invalidated.

D. Invalidation for Unforeseen Circumstances

In the event that an election involving the entire Association population should need to be invalidated for any reason not specified by this section of these By- Laws, the Constitutional Council shall have the sole power to invalidate that election, or the affected portion thereof. The Constitutional Council shall exercise this power only if a case is brought forth under the terms of Article IV of the Constitution.

E. Calling New Elections

Within ten days of the invalidation of the results of an election, the Elections Commission shall call a new election to replace the invalidated portion of the results (or to replace the entirety of the election, should the entire election be invalidated). The new election shall not replace the valid, unaffected portions of the previous election. The new election shall be held within six weeks of the invalidation.

Section 11: Public Financing for Executive Elections

A. General

  1. To ensure broader, more equitable participation in the election of the Executive, Public Financing of Executive Elections shall be made available to all members of the Association. 
  2. Members of the Association forming a slate for Executive and wishing to access public financing must, in addition to satisfying petitioning requirements set out in the Elections policies of the Association, draw at least 300 total signatures, with at least 100 signatures coming from the Undergraduate population and 50 signatures coming from the Graduate population. 

B. Appropriation of Funds and Campaign Expenses

  1. $3000 from the Executive budget shall be allocated to the budget of the Elections Commission (EC) for public financing of Executive Elections.
  2. Slates receiving public financing must restrict their total campaign expenditure, including the portion to be reimbursed as Public Financing expenditures, to $500.
    1. All campaign expenditures shall be in accordance with California and Federal law as well as Stanford University’s Fundamental Standard and any failure to comply will not be reimbursed for campaign expenses. 
  3. 3 Slates receiving public financing shall account for all campaign expenditures and shall present to the Elections Commission receipts corroborating all expenses.
  4. Executive slates eligible for and accepting public financing shall be reimbursed up to $500 of total campaign expenses at the conclusion of the election and barring violation of the rules and regulations stipulated by the Commission during the election.
  5. Up to 6 Executive Slates eligible for public financing shall be reimbursed up to $500 for total campaign expenses. If the number of eligible slates exceeds 6, then the number of eligible slates shall have an equal portion of the money available.

C. Enforcement and the Disbursement of Funds

  1. Slates successfully petitioning for public financing shall submit a budget detailing all projected campaign expenses before the beginning of Campaign Week. Slates failing to submit a complete budget to the EC prior to the official start of campaign week are no longer eligible for public financing.
  2. Slates can change their budget at any point throughout campaign week but must submit formal notification to the Elections Commissioner before enacting any such changes to ensure the slate’s budget is up to date.
  3. Slates must submit receipts for all campaign related expenses within 24 hours of the official conclusion of campaign week (when voting polls close). Receipts must corroborate the budget submitted to the EC and Financial Manager at the start of campaign week as well as all successfully petitioned changes to the budget.
  4. All slates in the public financing scheme shall adhere to all policies in the Elections Handbook. Slates that fail to comply with elections policies will not receive publicly financed reimbursements.
  5. The EC shall file Executive Slates reimbursements with Stanford Student Enterprises.

Article VI: Finances

Section 1: General

A. Financial Policies

  1. After considering the advice of the Financial Manager, the relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt and may amend such policies governing the budgetary and financial practices of the Association as are provided for in these By-Laws, and may adopt and amend such additional policies as may appear necessary for the sound governance of the Association’s finances. These policies shall be known as the “Financial Policies” of the Association.
  2. The procedure for the adoption or amendment of all such Financial Policies shall be specified in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  3. Each year during the Autumn Quarter, the Financial Manager shall publish the texts of all such Financial Policies then in effect, and shall distribute copies to the relevant Association legislative bodies.

B. Funding Policies

  1. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt and may amend such policies ensuring that funds derived from fees levied upon the members of the Association are expended and accounted for properly as are provided for in these By-Laws, and may adopt and amend such additional policies as may appear necessary to fulfill this purpose. These policies shall be known as the “Funding Policies” of the Association.
  2. The procedure for the adoption or amendment of all such Funding Policies shall be specified in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  3. Each year during the Autumn Quarter, the Financial Manager shall publish the texts of all such Funding Policies then in effect, shall distribute copies to the relevant Association legislative bodies. The Financial Manager shall also make copies available to the financial officers of all student organizations receiving an Annual Grant or Special Fees or funding from a General Fee, Standard or Quick Grant upon their request.

C. Freedom of Information

The relevant Association legislative bodies may not establish any Funding or Financial Policies which unduly restrict public access to the financial records concerning expenditure of ASSU-allocated money, whether that be by an ASSU organization, a Voluntary Student Organization receiving ASSU funding, or an individual exercising ASSU spending authority.

D. Financial Organization

  1. Every department or agency of the Association belongs to a sector that designates its primary operation. Other entities may also be classified as belonging to a sector.
  2. The Governance sector shall consist of:
    1. the Association Office;
    2. the US Senate Associates;
    3. the President and Vice President of the Association;
    4. the Elections Commission;
    5. the Financial Office;
    6. the Nominations Commission
    7. the Association legislative bodies;
    8. those departments so specified by Acts of the Association Legislative bodies.
  3. The Service sector shall consist of the Service Organizations of the Association as specified in these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.
  4. The Service Affiliate sector shall consist of the myriad undergraduate Class Presidents and those agencies specified in these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, or by Acts of the Association legislative bodies which are associated with the Association.
  5. The Business sector shall consist of Stanford Student Enterprises.
  6. The Business Affiliate sector shall consist of all subsidiaries and partnerships specified in these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.

E. Financial Manager Selection

  1. The ASSU Financial Manager shall be nominated every Winter Quarter by the Financial Manager Selection Committee (FMSC) to the legislative bodies, and must be confirmed by a 2/3 vote of each legislative body.
  2. There shall be five members of the FMSC, each with equal vote.
    1. The Financial Manager, unless the Financial Manager is disqualified because he/she has applied for the position again. If the Financial Manager serves on the FMSC, he/she shall chair the FMSC.
    2. The President of the Association. He/she shall chair the FMSC if the current Financial Manager is not serving on the FMSC.
    3. One Undergraduate Senator, as selected by the Undergraduate Senate according to its bylaws.
    4. One GSC Member, as selected by the GSC according to its bylaws.
    5. The Chair of the Board of Directors of SSE, as defined in §4.2 of the Corporate Charter of Stanford Student Enterprises.
    6. The Vice President of the Association shall serve on the FMSC if the Financial Manager is disqualified because he/she has applied for the position again.
  3. Quorum of the FMSC shall be three of its five members, and all decisions of the FMSC must be approved by three of its five members to be considered valid.
  4. The FMSC shall nominate an individual to serve as the new Financial Manager during Winter Quarter. This nomination shall be submitted to the Association legislative bodies for approval at each regularly scheduled meeting held after the FMSC has made its nomination.
  5. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall consider the nomination in closed session. The identity of the person nominated shall not be made public until after both Association legislative bodies have approved the nomination. If the nomination is rejected, the identity of the person nominated shall not be made public.
  6. The term of office for the new Financial Manager shall commence on the first day of the new fiscal year.
  7. No Financial Manager shall serve more than two terms. If a Financial Manager leaves office prior to the completion of his/her term, that term shall be considered a complete one-year term for the purposes of this section. 
    1. If a Financial Manager serves at least six months of a term to which someone else was originally appointed, that term shall be considered a one-year term for the purposes of this section. Otherwise, it shall not be considered a term for the purposes of this section.
  8. If the current Financial Manager is not applying to serve another term, the standard selection process shall be followed. The current Financial Manager shall be responsible for advertising the position of Financial Manager in a manner designed to maximize the number of qualified applicants.
    1. The FMSC shall be convened to consider all applicants; it shall interview candidates and select them according to the procedures and timelines it creates by decision.
    2. The FMSC shall nominate a candidate by the end of the fifth week of Winter Quarter, unless extraordinary circumstances prevent a timely nomination. If no candidate is nominated by the end of the fifth week of Winter Quarter, the FMSC shall provide a detailed report to each legislative body about the extraordinary circumstances and detail the new timeline for selection.
    3. The FMSC shall give weight to candidates who demonstrate willingness and ability to commit to the position of Financial Manager for two years.
    4. The nominated candidate must be confirmed by a 2/3 vote of each Association legislative body, a bill for which will be presented at every regularly scheduled meeting of each Association legislative body.
    5. If the nominated candidate is not confirmed, the FMSC shall have the duty to set a new timeline and process, following the standard selection process as closely as practicable.
    6. When confirmed by the legislative bodies, the new Financial Manager shall immediately become the Associate Financial Manager of the Association. In this role, the new Financial Manager shall be trained by the current Financial Manager and prepare for his/her future role.
    7. The Financial Manager may delegate his/her authority to the Associate Financial Manager at his/her discretion, but the current Financial Manager remains wholly responsible for his/her duties and for the conduct of the Associate Financial Manager until the end of his/her term.
  9. If the current Financial Manager is exercising his/her option to re-apply for the position, an accelerated selection process shall be followed. The current Financial Manager shall indicate his/her intent to re-apply by the end of the fifth week of Fall Quarter, at which time the FMSC shall be called by the President of the Association by the end of the sixth week of Fall Quarter. 
    1. The FMSC shall ask that the Financial Manager prepare a report demonstrating his/her strength as a Financial Manager, and shall establish criteria to judge the performance of the Financial Manager. Such criteria may include, but are not limited to, strength in financial and/or organizational performance, evaluations from employees and from the Board of Directors of SSE, and other qualitative and quantitative metrics.
    2. The FMSC shall give weight to current Financial Managers who demonstrate commitment to the long-term sustainability of the Association.
    3. The current Financial Manager shall submit his/her report by the first day of Winter Quarter, or at a deadline specified by the FMSC.
    4. The FMSC shall deliberate and shall reach a decision on the nomination of the current Financial Manager as soon as practicable, and no later than the end of the fifth week of Winter Quarter.
    5. The Financial Manager must be confirmed for another term by a 2/3 vote of each Association legislative body, a bill for which will be presented at every regularly scheduled meeting of each Association legislative body after the FMSC has made its nomination.
    6. If the FMSC nominates the current Financial Manager, the FMSC shall prepare a report detailing the criteria for performance and stating how the Financial Manager has met the criteria. This report shall be presented to both Association legislative bodies at the same time that the nomination of the Financial Manager is submitted.
    7. If the current Financial Manager is not nominated and/or confirmed as the new Financial Manager after applying for the role, the FMSC shall have the duty to set a new timeline and process, following the standard selection process as closely as practicable.

F. Assistant Financial Manager

  1. The Financial Manager shall be assisted in his/her duties by Assistant Financial Managers as needed.
  2. The Financial Manager shall have the power to select Assistant Financial Managers, who may begin their roles immediately upon nomination by the Financial Manager; however, no salary shall be paid to an Assistant Financial Manager until he/she has been confirmed by each legislative body of the Association by 2/3 vote.
  3. The Financial Manager may delegate his/her authority to Assistant Financial Manager(s) at his/her discretion, but the Financial Manager remains wholly responsible for all authority so delegated and for the performance of his/her duties.

G. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.

Section 2: Association Operating Budget

A. General

  1. No funds shall be expended, encumbered, or otherwise disbursed by the Association or the Students’ Organizations Fund (except for funds withdrawn from the accounts of student organizations by their treasurers) other than in accordance with the procedures for the authorization of expenditures or investments contained in these By-Laws, the US By- Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.
  2. All funds expended by the Association shall be used for the basic operating expenses of the Association, or for programs initiated by and under the control of the Association and its agencies.
  3. No funds shall be expended as salaries or wages by any Association department or agency, except as specifically provided in the Association operating budget or the budget of that agency, or pursuant to the authority contained in these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.

B. Budget Process and Timetable

  1. The Association shall formulate its request for the Operating Budget allowance from the University for the following fiscal year, and shall submit that request to the University. This request shall be formulated by a committee consisting of the Financial Manager (who shall chair the committee), the President of the Association, the Chairs of the Association legislative bodies, the US Treasurer, and the GSC Financial Officer.
  2. By the third week of Winter Quarter, the Financial Manager shall prepare and present to the US Treasurer and the GSC Financial Officer for their approval estimates of the Indirect Cost Recovery charges to be made to each Association agency for the following fiscal year. This information shall then be supplied to the appropriate agencies for use in preparing their budget requests.
  3. By the third week of Spring Quarter, the Financial Manager shall in consultation with the President of the Association, the US Treasurer, and the GSC Financial Officer prepare and issue a timetable for the preparation of the Operating Budget for the following fiscal year. This timetable shall meet all of the requirements contained in these By-Laws.
  4. The Operating Budget shall be drafted by a committee consisting of the Financial Manager (who shall serve as chair), the Associate Financial Manager, the Chairs of the Association legislative bodies, the President of the Association, the US Treasurer, and the GSC Financial Officer. The incoming President Elect, US Chair Elect, and GSC Chair Elect shall be ex-officio members of this committee. This proposed budget shall be submitted for review and modification to the US Treasurer before the dissolution of the outgoing US during Spring Quarter, and to the GSC Financial Officer before her/his term of office expires.
  5. The draft Operating Budget shall include appropriate budget detail for each income and expense line item, including but not limited to the line items for salaries (except for the salaries paid to the University employees in the Association Office), the expenses of the Association legislative bodies, Presidency, and Financial Manager, and the Nominations and Elections Commissions. This budget detail shall be submitted to the Association legislative bodies for approval along with the Operating Budget and, once approved, shall be equally as binding as the Operating Budget itself. However, it shall not form part of the budget submitted to the President of the University for approval.
  6. The US shall approve the proposed Operating Budget by the method specified in the US By-Laws.
  7. The GSC shall approve the proposed Operating Budget by the method specified in the GSC By-Laws.
  8. The Operating Budget approved by the Association legislative bodies shall be transmitted to the President of the University (or designee) for approval within fourteen days after it has been approved by the Association legislative bodies.

C. Budgetary Authority

Once the Operating Budget has been approved, the Financial Manager shall be authorized to approve specific expenditures of funds in accordance with it, subject to the provisions of the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and to the following requirements:

  1. The Financial Manager shall report to the US Treasurer and the GSC Financial Officer on the actual expenditures from each Operating Budget line item according to the following schedule: a. no later than the second week of each quarter, on the actual expenditures as of the end of the previous quarter; b. whenever the actual expenditures for a given detailed line item (or a line item, where no detail was approved) have exceeded the budgeted amount, or appear likely to exceed the budgeted amount before the next regularly scheduled report.
  2. The Financial Manager shall report to the US Treasurer and the GSC Financial Officer on any changes in circumstances which would cause total income to be less than budgeted, or total expenses to be greater than budgeted, as soon as such changes come to her/his attention, and shall suggest such corrective action as may be required for the fiscal soundness of the Association.
  3. Upon the request of the Financial Manager, the relevant Association legislative bodies may approve modifications to the Operating Budget, where such modifications are in support of the program initially authorized by the Operating Budget approved by the Association legislative bodies. The requirements for doing so shall be listed in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies. Such modifications shall become effective 48 hours after approval, unless the President of the Association notifies the Financial Manager and the Chairs of the relevant Association legislative bodies in writing of her/his objections within that period of time.
  4. The relevant Association legislative bodies may modify the corresponding parts of the Operating Budget. The requirements for doing so shall be listed in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
  5. The Financial Manager shall not approve any expenditure which would result in a detailed line-item (or a line-item, where no detail was approved) being overspent by more than either $100 or 15% of the authorized amount, whichever is greater; nor any overspending of any salary or discretionary line-items; nor any overspending resulting from changes in the nature of the programs on which funds are being expended; unless and until an appropriate budget modification has been approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies, or their designee(s).
  6. Any changes to any budget line item for salaries in the Association Operating Budget or the budget of any Association agency, and any payment of bonuses to any employee of the Association (except for incentive payments included in the regular compensation of Managers of Business Projects), shall require the approval of the relevant Association legislative bodies, or their designee(s) before becoming effective.
  7. No salary or compensation shall be paid to any individual performing the duties of an office or position for which confirmation of the relevant Association legislative bodies is required, until that person has been confirmed by the relevant Association legislative bodies. All budget detail for line items involving salaries shall specify the time period for which the salary is paid and the salary per individual. Individuals shall be paid according to this detail for the time they actually perform the responsibilities of their office.
  8. Except for the budget line items for the operating expenses of the Presidency, the Association legislative bodies, and the Nominations and Elections Commissions, the Financial Manager shall be directly responsible for authorizing all specific expenditures of funds from the Association Operating Budget. The Financial Manager may delegate this authority, but shall be responsible to the Association legislative bodies for all expenditures made under such delegated authority.
  9. Funds from the Contingency line of the Operating Budget shall be available for reallocation by the relevant Association legislative bodies to other lines in the budget. No funds shall be directly expended from any Budget Reserve or Contingency line of the Operating Budget.

D. Determination of Expendable Income

The relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt an appropriate Financial Policy specifying the degree to which income from various sources shall be considered expendable. This policy shall provide for such reinvestment of income as is required for the long-term financial soundness of the Association.

E. Indirect Cost Recovery

The Association shall make a charge against the funds of each Business and Service project or affiliate, and against the Fee system, to recover the indirect costs which they impose upon the Operating Budget of the Association. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt an appropriate Financial Policy providing for the calculation of such charges. No expenses in the part of the Operating Budget which are funded by the Operating Budget Allowance provided by the University shall be included in the calculation of such charge.

F. Income Smoothing

The relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt an appropriate Financial Policy providing for the smoothing of expected income from Association Business Projects and other sources of income, and for such contributions to reserves as are required to insulate the basic operating expenditures of the Association from short-term fluctuations in income.

Section 3: Project and Capital Budgets

A. Service Projects

  1. Approval of the placement of a Special Fee, Annual Grant or Joint Fee request on the ballot, or approval of an allocation of funds from a General Fee, Standard Grant, or Quick Grant, shall constitute approval of the budget of an Association Service Project for the appropriate year. However, this approval shall be null and void if the Special Fee, Annual Grant, or Joint Fee request is defeated.
  2. The budgets of the Undergraduate Program and Undergraduate Publications Boards shall be approved as provided in the US By-Laws.
  3. For Service Projects not receiving budgetary approval under the foregoing provisions, the relevant Association legislative bodies shall approve a budget during Spring Quarter for the following fiscal year.
  4. None of the unrestricted funds of the Association shall be expended by any Association agency that is classified by these By-Laws, the US By- Laws, or the GSC By-Laws as belonging to the Service Sector, except as provided in the Association Operating Budget, nor shall any agency so classified be allowed to incur a deficit.

B. Capital Budget

All capital expenditures of the Association and its agencies (including the Business Projects) shall be contained in the Capital Budget, along with the sources of funds required to finance those expenditures, unless they are either (1) contained in the Operating Budget of the Association, or (2) contained in the budget of a Business Project and fully financed by the current operating revenues of that Project, or (3) a capital expenditure by the GSC to further graduate programming, in which case it may be derived from the Graduate Student General Fee. The Capital Budget shall be approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies during Spring Quarter for the following fiscal year. If no Capital Budget is approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies by the beginning of the fiscal year, the Capital Budget for that year shall be zero; however, this shall not prevent the relevant Association legislative bodies from approving a subsequent modification to it. The requirements for doing so shall be listed in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.

Section 4: Financial Policy and Investments

A. General

The relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt, upon the advice of the Financial Manager, an appropriate Financial Policy specifying the range of financial assets in which the Association’s funds, and the funds of student organizations on deposit with the Students’ Organizations Fund, may be invested, and the distribution of funds across such assets. Within the limitations of this policy, the Financial Manager shall be responsible for the investment of all such funds, provided that:

  1. The Financial Manager may at her/his discretion extend short-term loans to student organizations, providing that appropriate guarantees are made for their repayment. The maximum amount that may be loaned to any one organization, and the maximum amount of such loans that may be outstanding at any one time, shall be specified in a Financial Policy. Such loans shall bear an appropriate rate of interest that reflects the opportunity cost and high risk involved, as specified in this Financial Policy.
  2. The relevant Association legislative bodies may authorize specific investments to be made in other activities, including projects or programs of the Association and its agencies, and corporations and partnerships in which the Association is an investor, on an individual basis. The requirements for making such authorizations shall be in the respective By- Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
  3. The expenditure of funds on the purchase of capital equipment as provided in the Operating or Capital Budgets of the Association or its agencies, as authorized by the relevant Association legislative bodies, shall be exempt from the requirements of this section.

B. Signature Power

Within the limitations of these By-Laws and the appropriate Financial Policies, the Financial Manager shall have the authority to establish and close deposit accounts, to withdraw funds from such accounts, and to purchase and sell financial instruments, in the name of the Association. The Financial Manager may delegate this authority, but shall continue to be responsible to the relevant Association legislative bodies for its exercise. The Financial Manager shall report to the relevant Association legislative bodies (or their designee(s)) each year during the Autumn Quarter on all such delegations in effect, and shall report any changes in such delegations on a timely basis.

C. Reporting

The Financial Manager shall report to the Association legislative bodies (or their designee(s)) on the investments of the Association on a quarterly basis.

Section 5: Contracts, Agreements, and Borrowing

A. Borrowing

All borrowing by the Association must be approved in advance by the relevant Association legislative bodies, except for normal short-term trade credit extended by vendors.

B. Contracts and Agreements

The Financial Manager shall be authorized to approve contracts and agreements, provided that the contract or agreement will cease to be in force no later than the end of the current fiscal year, or, for a contract or agreement made after June 15 of a fiscal year, no later than the end of the following fiscal year. The Financial Manager shall report to the Association legislative bodies (or their designee(s)) on any contract or agreement approved under the authority of this section at the first meeting after the contract or agreement was approved. All other contracts and agreements shall require the approval of the relevant Association legislative bodies before becoming effective.

C. Consideration by the Association Legislative Bodies

Approval of borrowing, and approval of contracts and agreements requiring action by the relevant Association legislative bodies, shall normally be considered by their designee(s) before being submitted to the relevant Association legislative bodies.

Section 6: Students’ Organizations Fund (SOF)

A. Operating Rules

The rules and regulations governing the SOF shall be those published in the Treasurer’s Handbook or otherwise established and promulgated by the Financial Manager, provided that they are consistent with the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By- Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and any Financial Policies approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies.

B. Services Provided

The relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt, upon the advice of the Financial Manager, an appropriate Financial Policy specifying the types of accounts available to student organizations through the SOF, as well as the terms and the rate of interest for each type of account.

  1. SOF Exemption Policies

The relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt an appropriate Funding Policy specifying the terms and conditions under which, and the process by which, a student organization receiving funds from a General or Special Fee, or Annual, Standard, or Quick Grant may receive an exemption from the Constitutional requirement that it deposit all of its fund with the SOF. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall adopt an appropriate Financial Policy specifying the terms and conditions under which, and the process by which, a student organization not receiving funds from a General or Special Fee or Annual, Standard, or Quick Grant may receive Association endorsement for an exemption from the University requirement that it deposit all of its fund with the SOF.

Section 7: General and Special Fees

A. General Provisions

  1. Umbrella Groups
    1. Groups of Voluntary Student Organizations (henceforth referred to as VSOs) shall be recognized as Umbrella groups upon the approval of the relevant Association legislative bodies. The requirements for such approval shall be specified in the relevant By-Laws.
    2. Umbrella Group Organization
      1. Each Umbrella group shall, at the time of its application, identify one VSO that shall assume fiscal responsibility for the entire group, which shall be known as the principal organization.
      2. All member VSOs, including the principal, shall be known as constituent members.
      3. This certification shall last for a period of one year, corresponding to the annual funding cycle.
      4. By entering into an Umbrella group, every constituent member other than the principal agrees to forfeit its right to place a Special Fee or Annual Grant on the ballot for the funding cycle for which the certification is valid.
      5. Only the principal member may apply for Standard or Quick grants on behalf of any constituent member.
      6. The principal may disband its Umbrella group at any time provided that the Umbrella group is not at that time receiving any allocation from a Special or General Fee. Disbanding shall make all pending allocations null and void. 
    3. All rules that apply to VSOs shall apply to all constituent members of Umbrella groups, except as stated otherwise.
  2. No organization receiving funds from a General or Special Fee or Annual, Standard or Quick Grant may loan, grant, or otherwise distribute any of its restricted funds to another organization, with the following exemptions, as well as the exceptions listed in the US By-Laws and the GSC By-Laws:
    1. The Club Sports Council may distribute funds to the various clubs belonging to the Club Sports program. Any organization receiving funds from the Club Sports Council shall not be eligible for General or Special Fee funding from any other source.
    2. The principal of an Umbrella group may fund constituent groups via monies received from a Special or General Fee or Annual, Standard, or Quick Grant, but may not transfer such funds, in accordance with the approved budgets.
  3. Organizations receiving funds from a General or Special Fee or Annual, Standard or Quick Grant may co-sponsor events with other organizations, provided that all co-sponsoring organizations shall have actual involvement in the planning and implementation of the co-sponsored event. Except as specified elsewhere, organizations and publications may not be cosponsored.
  4. No organization may receive funds from both a Special Fee or Joint Fee and a General Fee during the same fiscal year.
  5. Non-Association organizations which are eligible to apply for a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee or an Annual, Standard, or Quick Grant may not receive any unrestricted funds from the Association Operating Budget, except in the form of loans.
  6. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall approve Schedules for the Collection, Disbursement, and Refunds, of the General and Special Fees and Annual, Standard, and Quick Grants for the following fiscal year no later than the final meeting of each outgoing Association legislative body before it dissolves during Spring Quarter.
  7. At the time that it approves these Schedules, the relevant Association legislative bodies shall set the amounts of the following surcharges, and approve line-item budgets for their expenditure where appropriate:
    1. Graduate Refund Cost and Undergraduate Refund Cost surcharges — shall cover the direct and indirect costs of providing refunds of the General and Special Fees for the relevant populations. This surcharge shall be calculated independently for the Graduate and Undergraduate populations. They shall be held in a Graduate Student Refund Cost surcharge account, a Graduate Student Administrative Cost surcharge account, an Undergraduate Refund Cost surcharge account and an Undergraduate Administrative Cost surcharge account.
    2. Rounding surcharge — shall cover any excess of the amount to be refunded per student for a given Fee (as provided in the Refund Schedule) over the amount to be collected per student for that Fee (as provided in the Collection Schedule).
    3. Election Cost surcharge — shall reimburse the Association Operating Budget for an appropriate fraction of the budgeted cost of Association elections, as provided by these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Elections Commission, and the Policies of the Elections Commission, including interest from the time the election costs are incurred until the time the surcharge funds are received.
    4. Advance Disbursement surcharge — shall reimburse the Association for the opportunity cost of making available General and Special Fee funds to student organizations in advance of the receipt of those funds from the University.
    5. Administrative Cost surcharge — shall cover the direct and indirect costs incurred in the processes of the approval and disbursement of the General and Special Fees, and in enforcing compliance by the recipients of such funds with their authorized budgets.
    6. Buffer Recharge Surcharge — in the event that the buffer fund of either undergraduate or graduate population reaches an unsafe level as determined by the Financial Manager in consultation with the Executive Committee the relevant legislative bodies may levy a charge on their respective populations to replenish the buffer fund, with a 2/3-majority approval. This charge can only be approved for one year at a time.
  8. At the end of the fiscal year, any balance in the Graduate and Undergraduate Refund Costs, Graduate and Undergraduate Rounding, and Graduate and Undergraduate Administrative Cost surcharge accounts shall be debited or credited to the relevant population’s Buffer Fund.
  9. The Disbursement Schedule shall provide that each student organization receiving a Special Fee shall receive 1/3 of the net amount of that Fee at the beginning of each of the Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters.
  10. The Disbursement Schedule for General Fees, Standard, and Quick Grants shall be specified in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative body.
  11. Disbursements of funds to student organizations receiving a Special Fee, Joint Fee, or Annual Grant in advance of the disbursement authorized by the appropriate Schedule, to student organizations receiving annual allocations from a General Fee in advance of the disbursement authorized by these By-Laws, the US By- Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and the budget of the appropriate Board, may be authorized by the Financial Manager at her/his discretion. Such advances shall bear an appropriate rate of interest to compensate for the opportunity cost involved, as specified in an appropriate Financial Policy.
  12. Approval by the relevant Association legislative bodies, the Financial Manager, or the Association of any particular line item of a Special Fee or Annual Grant request or allocation from a General Fee or Standard or Quick Grant does not commit the Financial Manager to approval of any particular expenditure at the time it is requested by the organization.
  13. Any student organization requesting or receiving funds from a General or Special Fee or Annual, Standard, or Quick Grant shall prepare its budget in a manner that complies with the requirements of the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and any Funding Policies adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  14. Any student organization receiving a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee or an Annual, Standard, or Quick Grant during the current fiscal year, or having unexpended funds originally derived from such a source, shall be required to expend all funds of that organization in accordance with its budget as authorized by the members of the Association (when its Special Fee, Joint Fee, or Annual Grant request was approved) or by the relevant Association legislative bodies (when an allocation of funds from a General Fee or a Standard or Quick Grant was approved), unless and until a budget modification has been approved. The process by which budget modifications may be approved shall be specified in a Funding Policy adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies. No funds shall be disbursed to a student organization not satisfying this requirement.
    1. Budget modifications to Annual Grants and Special Fees allocated by the membership of the Association via Referendum or Initiative must remain within the scope and nature of the allocation voted upon by the membership of the ASSU i.e. the change in allocation must be sufficiently similar in nature to the original allocation to be considered a valid budget modification.
  15. At the close of a fiscal year, any unexpended funds (including budget reserve funds) in the account of a student organization which were originally derived from a General or Special Fee or Annual, Standard, or Quick Grant shall remain subject to the budgetary supervision of the Association. The process by which a budget for the expenditure of such funds is authorized shall be specified in a Funding Policy adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies. No such funds shall be expended except in accordance with an authorized budget.
  16. Any student organization requesting a Special Fee or Annual Grant or funds from a General Fee, Standard Grant, or Quick Grant and which has been exempted from banking with the SOF (and which has not done all of its banking with the University) must submit a report to the Financial Manager from an independent auditor approved by her/him which fully accounts for the finances of said organization for the previous fiscal year, and which especially emphasizes the uses to which any previously received General or Special Fee or Annual, Standard, or Quick Grant funds funds have been put.
  17. The Graduate Buffer Fund and Undergraduate Buffer Fund shall be administered by the relevant legislative bodies in a manner specified in their by-laws. The Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account shall be administered by both the Undergraduate Senate, the GSC, and the ASSU Financial Manager as specified in the Bill ‘To Implement the Partitioning of the Association Buffer Fund into the Undergraduate Buffer Fund and the Graduate Buffer Fund’. Funds from the Undergraduate Buffer Fund, Graduate Buffer Fund, and Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account may not be used for any purpose unrelated to special fees without 2/3 majority approval from both legislative bodies.

B. Special Fees

  1. The procedures by which the Graduate Student Council considers and approves Special Fee requests for placement on the ballot shall be specified in the By-Laws of the Graduate Student Council.

C. Joint Fees

For joint special fees, all of the relevant participants must be informed of the time and location at least 72 hours before any meeting. The designees of the Graduate Student Council and the Undergraduate Senate must reach an agreement about the policy before the meeting, and both shall attend the meeting in equal numbers. The designee of the GSC and the designee of the UG Senate shall be considered equals and they will alternate between chairing the sections of the meeting.

D. Annual Grants

The procedures by which the Undergraduate Senate considers and approves Annual Grant requests for placement on the ballot shall be specified in the By-Laws of the Undergraduate Senate.

E. General Fees, Standard, and Quick Grants

  1. General Fees, Standard, and Quick Grants should maximize the benefits to the entire population served in terms of educational value, cultural exposure, and/or services provided to their respective population. 
  2. Each Association legislative body shall take measures to see that all members of the Association are as equally as possible served by any General Fee or Standard or Quick Grant. No subset of the population should suffer or benefit more than others due to their skill in navigating any system put in place. 
  3. VSOs and General Fees
    1. General Fee, Standard, and Quick Grant allocations to VSOs should be made in a manner that as fairly as possible disburses funds throughout the population taxed. This applies both with respect to a VSO’s participatory size relative to the population, and to that VSO’s role and purpose within the set of all VSOs.
    2. VSOs that serve a similar role or serve nearly the same subset of the population should be encouraged to combine or form Umbrella groups for the greater benefit of all members. At the discretion of the relevant Association legislative body, a set of VSOs may be treated as an Umbrella group for General Fee or Standard or Quick Grant allocations regardless of formal Umbrella group status.
    3. Formation of VSOs strictly for the purpose of obtaining additional funding, misappropriation of funds, or misrepresentations of any kind during the funding process shall be considered violations of the Fundamental Standard.
  4. Additional procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves General Fee and Standard and Quick Grant allocations, as well as the procedures by which each Association legislative body places measures to create, change the base amount of, change the statement of purpose of, or modify General Fees or Standard or Quick Grants on the ballot, shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body.
  5. Joint Events
    1. If group composition is more than 70% undergraduate, the UG Senate will determine appropriate funding for the event.
    2. If group composition is more than 70% graduate, the GSC will determine funding for the event.
    3. For group ratios not covered by (a) or (b), each legislative body will determine the appropriate funding up to the corresponding group composition ratio of the total budget for the event.
    4. For only this section, coterminal students will count as 50% graduate and 50% undergraduate.

F. Refunds

  1. The Fee Refund Coordinator shall ensure that Fee refunds are made available in a timely and efficient manner to eligible members requesting them and that all such persons are informed of the procedure to obtain refunds. These procedures shall specifically include the following:
    1. All eligible students who file a Fee refund request between 8:00AM of the first day of a quarter and 5:00 P.M. on the third Friday of any quarter shall receive the requested refund on their University Bill or as a mailed check for that quarter. Credits or checks shall be issued by the seventh week of the quarter. The ASSU Financial Manager may open the fee refund window earlier, but not later, at his or her discretion.
    2. Due to the differing schedule of the Law School Academic Calendar, Law Students shall have their refund requests automatically rollover to all future academic terms during that same Fiscal Year. Refunds will be distributed according to the schedule detailed above.
    3. When students request refunds, they shall be presented with a set of anonymous, confidential survey options for each group explain why they are receiving a refund. These questions, and the entire refund site design, will be proposed by the Refund Coordinator and approved by each of the relevant legislative bodies prior to the beginning of the Fiscal Year. Aggregate survey data may be provided to groups.
    4. Exceptions to this policy will be allowed if and only if authorized by a 2/3 vote of the relevant Association legislative bodies, provided that previous notice has been given.
    5. The Financial Manager shall make available to any student group receiving a Special Fee a list of the student identification numbers of all students who requested Fee refunds from that group. This list shall be made available no later than noon on the Monday following the Fee refund deadline.
    6. The refund amount for a group shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds for the group. If this amount exceeds the Refund Cost Surcharge collected for that group for that quarter for that population, the group shall be financially responsible for covering that excess.
      1. Joint groups shall have two independent refund amounts. The Graduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Graduate students for the group. The Undergraduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Undergraduate students for the group.
      2. In the event of an excess refund amount, the Financial Manager is authorized to collect that amount from the group’s accounts in the following order:
        1. Fee Reserves
        2. Operating Budgets
        3. All other assets as specified in the contract signed prior to being placed on the ballot
  2. The Financial Manager shall advertise deadlines as appropriate to ensure students are aware of these procedures.
  3. Additional refund policies, specific to either the graduate or undergraduate population, shall be included in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative body. In the event that the specific refund policies conflict with these general refund policies on a matter affecting members of either the graduate or undergraduate population only, the specific refund policies shall take precedence.

G. Enforcement

The Financial Manager is hereby instructed and empowered to ensure that all requirements pertaining to funds derived from General and Special Fees and Annual, Standard, and Quick Grants contained in the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and Funding Policies enacted by the relevant Association legislative bodies are strictly enforced.

Section 8: The Three-Year Plan

  1. The Financial Manager will present a revised Three-Year plan to the Association legislative bodies no later than the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year.
  2. The Three-Year plan will outline goals and timelines for the financial operation of the Association. The areas included shall be: staff, Business Projects, the banking service, Fee refunds, the Operating Budget, and other services the Financial Manager deems important to operation of the Association.

Article VII: Stanford Student Enterprises

  1. Stanford Student Enterprises shall manage the Association Endowment and Operating Fund under the terms of its corporate charter, and the Financial Policies issued by the Association legislative bodies.
  2. At least one member of each Association legislative body shall serve on the Board of Directors of Stanford Student Enterprises, as well as at least one additional graduate student and at least one additional undergraduate.
  3. Copies of the minutes of any meeting of the Board of Directors of Stanford Student Enterprises shall be provided by the Board or its designee to the President or any member of the Association legislative bodies upon request. Proprietary business information and employee information contained in the minutes may not be more widely released without the consent of the Board of Directors or its designee.
  4. The Association legislative bodies shall consult the Board of Directors before enacting legislation affecting the management of the Association Endowment, Operating Fund, or specific business projects of Stanford Student Enterprises.

Article VIII: Service Organizations

Section 1: General

A. Service Organization Mandate

The ASSU has a commitment to improving the quality of student life by supporting both the academic and non-academic endeavors of its members. To better fulfill this commitment, the ASSU shall charter semi-autonomous organizations, hereafter referred to as Service Organizations.

B. Availability of Services

A Service Organization must make its services available to all members of the population of the Association it serves, except as noted elsewhere.

C. Funding

A Service Organization may be funded by either General or Special Fees and/or some combination of Annual, Standard, and Quick Grants. Such Fees must be requested from the population of the Association that the Service Organization serves.

D. Definitions

There shall be two types of Service Organization:

  1. Service Projects, which are intended to be semi-autonomous student-run agencies, subject to the oversight of the President of the Association and the relevant Association legislative bodies. The primary function of each shall be to support the student organizations, activities, and/or services specified in its charge, in the manner outlined in these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.
  2. Service Partnerships, which are intended to be agencies jointly run by students and non-students, subject to the oversight of the President of the Association and the Association legislative bodies. The primary function of each shall be to provide the service listed in its charge, in the manner outlined in these By-Laws, the US By- Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.

E. Authority

  1. Service Organizations shall be created by a 2/3 vote of the relevant Association legislative bodies to fulfill a specific charge, which shall be listed in the relevant By-Laws. Only Service Organizations so listed shall be considered to have the authority and responsibilities described in this section.
  2. Service Organizations shall be overseen by the President of the Association, or her/his designee. The President and Vice-President shall be ex-officio members of all Service Organization governing bodies.
  3. Each Service Organization’s dealings with the relevant Association legislative bodies shall be coordinated in a manner described in the relevant By-Laws.
  4. Each Service Organization shall be vested with the specific authority of the relevant Association legislative bodies to conduct, on behalf of the Association, all business within that Service Organization’s proper charge, and only such business, subject to the oversight of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  5. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall resolve all conflicts of jurisdiction between Service Organizations.

F. Meetings

  1. Quorum for a Service Organization meeting shall consist of a majority of the voting membership. The voting membership of each Service Organization shall be specified in the relevant By-Laws.
  2. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant By-Laws or the Service Organization’s Policies, all decisions of a Service Organization’s governing body shall be by a majority.
  3. All members of the Association shall be allowed to attend any meeting of any Service Organization.

Section 2: Separate Service Projects and Organizations

Each Association legislative body shall have the separate power to create Service Projects and Organizations to serve needs of either the graduate or the undergraduate population alone. The procedures for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.

Section 3: Joint Service Projects

A. Association Need

Joint Service Projects shall be created jointly by the Association legislative bodies to serve some need to the Association population.

B. Responsibility

A Joint Service Project shall have the responsibility for providing the service described in its charge, which shall be listed in these By-Laws.

C. Budget

A Joint Service Project shall have primary budgetary authority for the execution of its charge, subject to the oversight of the Financial Manager and the President of the Association, and subject to constraints imposed by the Association legislative bodies.

D. Legislative Authority

In addition to the authority granted to a Service Project by virtue of section IX.1.E of these By-Laws, each Joint Service Project shall also be bound by the following provisions:

  1. The Association legislative bodies may jointly revoke any action of a Service Project, subject to any legally binding contracts that the governing body of the Service Project may have entered into under the authority granted to it by the charge of that Service Project. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
  2. The Association legislative bodies retain ultimate authority over, and responsibility for any action of, a Joint Service Project.

E. Officers and Governance

  1. For the remainder of this Article, Joint Project Officer shall refer to either a Senior or Junior Officer of a Joint Service Project.
  2. Unless otherwise specified, each Joint Project Officer shall have one vote in all decisions of the Joint Service Project to which s/he is appointed.
  3. For the remainder of this Article, a Joint Project member shall be any individual who can vote on the governing body of that Project. Any such individuals who are not Joint Project Officers must be specified in the section of these By-Laws describing the Joint Service Project on whose governing body s/he would serve.
  4. Restrictions on Joint Project Officers
    1. Shall not, during her/his term of office, serve as an elected officer of the Association.
    2. Shall not, at the time of her/his nomination and throughout her/his term of office, serve as an officer of an organization subject to the authority of that Joint Service Project.
  5. Joint Service Project Officers’ Selection Committee
    1. Henceforth, a Joint Service Project Officers’ Selection Committee shall be referred to as a JSPOSC.
    2. There shall be one JSPOSC for each Joint Service Project, responsible for nominating the Senior Officers of that Joint Service Project.
    3. Each JSPOSC shall consist of the following 5 voting members:
      1. The President or Vice-President of the Association, who shall Chair the SPOSC and be responsible for ensuring that all SPOSC deadlines are met.
      2. The US Liaison to the Project. iii. A GSC designee.
      3. The Financial Manager, or her/his designee.
      4. The current Director of the Project. If s/he is seeking reappointment this position shall be filled by either the Vice-President (if the President is already serving on the JSPOSC) or the President (if the Vice-President is already serving on the JSPOSC).
    4.  A quorum for a JSPOSC meeting shall consist of 4 voting members.
    5. Unless otherwise specified, all decisions of a JSPOSC shall be by consensus.
    6. Each JSPOSC shall convene at least once before the end of Winter Quarter, or before the end of the quarter in which a vacancy on a Project occurs.
    7. Each JSPOSC shall present its nomination(s) by the second regular meeting of each Association legislative body of Spring Quarter, or at any Association legislative body meeting within one month of when a vacancy on a Project occurs. At that time, the nomination(s) may be approved. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
    8. For the purposes of the above JSPOSC deadlines, if a vacancy on a Project occurs at any point during the Summer Quarter, it shall be considered to have occurred at the start of the following Fall Quarter.
  6. Senior Officers
    1. Shall be nominated in Spring Quarter, or whenever there is a vacancy, by a JSPOSC and confirmed by the procedure specified in section IX.3.E.5 of these By-Laws.
    2. Shall serve as an ex-officio Senior Officer during the quarter in which s/he is confirmed.
    3. Shall have a term of office of one year, starting on the first day of the quarter following the quarter in which s/he is confirmed, or until a successor has been chosen.
    4. May have her/his term of office extended or shortened by the Association legislative bodies. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies. The latter action shall be subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.
    5. Under extraordinary circumstances, may be suspended by the President of the Association. This suspension shall last only until the first meeting of each Association legislative body at which the issue can be considered, at which time the each Association legislative body may act as it sees fit. If no action is taken, the Senior Officer shall be removed.
    6. General Senior Officer Responsibilities
      1. Shall submit a line-item budget to the Association legislative bodies by the deadline specified in these By- Laws. No funds may be expended or received by the Joint Service Project unless authorized in such a budget, unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws. 
      2. Shall maintain financial records for the Joint Service Project available for public scrutiny, in accordance with the Freedom of Information policies of the Constitution and these By-Laws.
      3. Other duties shall be specified in the sections of these By- Laws listing the responsibilities specific to each type of Senior Officer, as well as the section of these By-Laws pertaining to each Joint Service Project.
    7. Types of Senior Officers
      1. Director
        1. Shall be responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of her/his Project’s charge.
        2. Shall have responsibility for the actual management of her/his Project, including additional duties specified in the Policies of her/his Project.
        3. Shall nominate the Junior Officers of her/his Project. Any such Junior Officers shall be listed in the section of these By-Laws discussing her/his Project.
        4. Shall set the agenda of, call, and preside over all meetings of the governing body of her/his Project, and shall vote only in those cases where her/his vote would be decisive.
        5. Shall be the primary spokesperson for her/his Project.
        6. Shall ensure the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Association legislative bodies, and the Policies, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules of her/his Project.
        7. Shall be responsible for maintaining and providing the Association legislative bodies, as well as the US Liaison Committee for her/his Project, with current copies of her/his Project’s Policies, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules by the end of Winter Quarter.
        8. Failure to fulfill any of the above responsibilities shall be grounds for dismissal.
      2. Deputy Director
        1. Shall perform those duties delegated to her/him by the Director, as well as those stated in the section of these By-Laws describing her/his Project, and those stated in the Policies of her/his Project.
        2. Shall perform the duties of the Director in the Director’s absence or if the Director has been suspended or removed and a successor has not yet been confirmed. In the event that a Deputy Director has not been appointed, the By-Laws specific to each Service Project shall state who shall fulfill these obligations.
      3. Other Senior Officers: shall be listed in these By-Laws in the section describing the Project to which s/he is responsible, along with her/his duties. 
  7. Junior Officers
    1. Unless otherwise specified, shall be nominated by the Joint Service Project Director and confirmed by the Association legislative bodies.
    2. Shall be a provisional Junior Officer with all relevant powers subsequent to notification of the Association legislative bodies.
    3. Shall serve until the end of the term of office of the Director who appointed her/him.
    4. May be removed by the Director who appointed her/him, or by the Association legislative bodies, subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
    5. Shall have those responsibilities listed in the section of these By- Laws discussing the Project to which s/he is appointed, as well as those listed in the Policies of her/his Project.

F. Service Project Policies and Standing Rules

  1. Each Joint Service Project shall have a set of Policies (as defined by section I.8 of these By-Laws) and Standing Rules (as defined by section I.10 of these By-Laws).
  2. The minimum content, if any, of each Joint Service Project’s Policies and Standing Rules shall be stipulated in the section of these By-Laws pertaining to each Project.

Section 4: Joint Service Partnerships

A. Authority

In addition to the authority granted to each Joint Service Partnership by virtue of section IX.1.E of these By-Laws, shall have whatever additional authority is specified in the section of these By-Laws discussing each Partnership.

B. Officers and Governance

Each Joint Service Partnership shall have the organizational structure assigned to it by the section of these By-Laws discussing that Partnership.

C. Terms and Concepts

In the interests of avoiding a profusion of terminology, concepts and structures defined for Joint Service Projects in section IX.3 of these By-Laws may be borrowed when specifying the organizational structure of Joint Service Partnerships. In such cases, “Project” should be taken to be replaced by “Partnership” in the referenced concept or structure.

Section 6: Legal Counseling Office Policy Board

A. Definitions

  1. For the remainder of this Section, the Legal Counseling Office Policy Board shall be referred to as the Policy Board.
  2. The Legal Counseling Office shall be referred to as the Office.

B. Charge

  1. Shall be a Joint Service Partnership of the Association, as defined in section IX.4 of these By-Laws.
  2. The Policy Board shall govern the functioning, and review the operations of, the Office.
  3. Shall select the attorney or law firm to staff the Office and set the pay and hours of the attorney.
  4. Shall promulgate and review from time to time both the policy guidelines and the clients the Office will handle.
  5. Shall ensure the confidentiality of legal counseling that takes place between a client and attorney under the auspices of the mechanisms established by the Policy Board.

C. Officers

  1. The voting members of the Policy Board shall consist of:
    1. The President or Vice President of the Association, who shall chair the Policy Board. The chair may appoint another voting or ex- officio member to chair the Policy Board until he or she wishes to resume authority.
    2. A member of the US, to be determined by the US.
    3. A GSC designee, to be determined by the GSC.
    4. One member of the Association who shall not be an elected member of the Association but who shall be a law student. This member shall be chosen by the procedure described in section IX.3.E.6 of these By-Laws.
    5. One Law School faculty or staff member, who shall be appointed by the Dean of the Law School.
    6. One member of the Palo Alto Bar Association, who shall be appointed by the President of the Palo Alto Bar Association.
  2. The ex-officio members of the Policy Board shall consist of:
    1. A representative of the Dean of Student Affairs Office.
    2. The Financial Manager, or his/her designee.
    3. The Office attorney, who shall not be present in matters relating to her/his firing and/or replacement, except as the Policy Board shall provide.
  3. All newly-elected Policy Board members shall serve on the Policy Board effective immediately after their certification by the appropriate legislative bodies.
  4. Policy Board members shall have a term of office of one year, starting the quarter after the quarter in which they are confirmed, or until a successor takes office.
  5. A Policy Board member may be removed by the agency appointing her/him. If the Policy Board member was appointed by the Association legislative bodies, her/his removal shall be subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.
  6. A Policy Board member may be removed by a 2/3 vote of both Association legislative bodies upon the recommendation of either the Policy Board or the Executive Committee, subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.

D. Governance 

  1. Chair
    1. Shall ensure the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Association legislative bodies, and the Policies, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules of the Policy Board.
    2. Shall be the primary spokesperson for the Policy Board.
    3. Shall set the agenda of, call, and preside over all meetings of the Policy Board, and shall vote only in those cases where her/his vote would be decisive.
  2. Deputy Chair
    1. Shall be a member of the Policy Board, nominated by the Chair and confirmed by the Policy Board.
    2. May be removed at any time by the Chair, with the consent of the Policy Board. c. Shall assist the Chair in the performance of her/his duties.
    3. Shall perform the duties of the Chair in her/his absence.
  3. The Policy Board shall meet at least quarterly during the academic year.
  4. Proper notification of a meeting of the Policy Board shall require written notification of all members of the meeting time and place, at least 72 hours before the meeting.
  5. Quorum for all meetings of the Policy Board shall be constituted by a majority of its voting members.

E. Office Budget

  1. All disbursements shall be made in accordance with the budget of the Office as approved by the Policy Board.
  2. The Office may solicit funds from any source, except from the unrestricted funds of the Association (endowment, interest income, Business Project profit, indirect cost recovery charges), subject to the guidelines of the Association and the University. However, no funds may be accepted and used by the Office unless mention of them is made in the approved budget of the Office.
  3. The Policy Board shall approve the salaries of all staff members of the Office, including that of the attorneys.

F. Office Manager

  1. The Office Manager shall be nominated by the Office Manager Selection Committee (hereafter referred to as the OMSC) and confirmed by a 2/3 vote of the Policy Board.
  2. The OMSC shall consist of the following 5 members:
    1. The President of the Association, who shall chair the OMSC. 
    2. The US Liaison to the Policy Board.
    3. The GSC designee to the Policy Board.
    4. The attorney, or representative of the law firm, staffing the Office.
    5. The current Office Manager, who shall be an ex-officio member of the OMSC.
  3. Quorum for an OMSC meeting shall consist of a majority of the voting membership.
  4. Unless otherwise specified, all decisions of the OMSC shall be by  majority.
  5. The Office Manager shall serve until her/his resignation or removal by a 2/3 vote of the Policy Board.

G. Grievances

  1. The Chair shall receive all complaints concerning the Office.
  2. The Chair shall convene a meeting of the Grievance Subcommittee of the Policy Board (hereafter referred to as the Subcommittee), composed of the student members of the Policy Board, to consider those grievances the Chair deems require immediate action.
  3. The Subcommittee shall report the disposition of each grievance reported to it to the Policy Board for ratification or disapproval at each regular meeting of the Policy Board.
  4. The Chair shall report all other grievances to the Policy Board.
  5. The decision of the Policy Board shall be conclusive unless shown to have been obviously contrary to the Policy Board’s guidelines. 
  6. All reports shall maintain the confidentiality of the client, except where the client wishes otherwise.

H. Interaction with the Association Legislative Bodies

In no case shall the Association legislative bodies interfere with the day-to-day operations of the Office, or violate any of the ethical guidelines for attorneys.

I. Access to Information

Legal counseling that takes place under the auspices of mechanisms established by the Policy Board must remain confidential between the client and attorney. All other records of the Office fall under the jurisdiction of the Freedom of Information policies of the Constitution and these By-Laws.


Article X: ASSU Parliamentarian

Section 1: Duties

A. Meeting Attendance

The ASSU Parliamentarian shall attend all meetings of the Undergraduate Senate, the Graduate Student Council, the Executive Committee, the Constitutional Council, and Joint Meetings of the Legislative bodies. The Parliamentarian need not attend committee meetings unless so requested by the Chair of that Committee.

B. Governing Documents and Legislative Catalog

The ASSU Parliamentarian shall maintain a catalog of all bills presented and passed by the legislative bodies. The ASSU Parliamentarian shall maintain the Official Copy of the Governing Documents of the Association. The Official Copy of the Governing Documents shall include, but not be limited to:

  1. The Constitution of the Associated Students of Stanford University
  2. The Joint By-Laws of the Associated Students of Stanford University
  3. The By-Laws of the Undergraduate Senate
  4. The By-Laws of the Graduate Student Council
  5. The Rules of Order of:
    1. The Undergraduate Senate
    2. The Graduate Student Council
    3. The Constitutional Council
    4. Association Legislative Bodies
  6. The Funding Policies of the:
    1. Appropriations Committee of the Undergraduate Senate
    2. Funding Committee of the Graduate Student Council

C. Changes to Governing Documents

Whenever a bill is passed by the Association legislative bodies and ratified by the President of the Association that affects or changes the language of one of the Governing Documents, the ASSU Parliamentarian shall change the official copy of the Governing Documents to reflect that change.

D. Presentation of Documents

In the penultimate meeting of the Undergraduate Senate and Graduate Student Council of each quarter, the ASSU Parliamentarian shall present the Official Copy of the Governing Documents to the Graduate Student Council and Undergraduate Senate. Unless a member of the Association finds and states an error in the Governing Documents, the Official Copy of the Governing Documents shall be considered to have been ratified by the Joint Legislative Bodies.

Section 2: Nomination and Confirmation

A. ASSU Parliamentarian Nomination Committee

The ASSU Parliamentarian Nomination Committee (APNC) shall consist of the following individuals. The Committee shall be co-chaired by the President of the Association and previous ASSU Parliamentarian. Each individual shall have an equal vote in the Committee:

  1. The President of the Association
  2. The Vice President of the Association
  3. The Chair of the Undergraduate Senate
  4. The Deputy Chair of the Undergraduate Senate
  5. Both Co-Chairs of the Graduate Student Council
  6. The previous ASSU Parliamentarian

B. Meetings

The APNC shall meet in the week following the Spring Quarter General Election or whenever the ASSU Parliamentarian office is vacated.

C. Confirmation of Nominee

The APNC shall present a bill of confirmation for the ASSU Parliamentarian nominee within five weeks of whenever the APNC first met. The bill must be passed by a majority of both legislative bodies.

Appendix I: Policies of the Association Elections

Section 1: General

A. Times of Elections

  1. Except as otherwise provided herein, all elections shall be held on 2 consecutive school days during an academic quarter, except that overseas campuses shall hold elections at times specified by the Commission.
  2. The Spring Quarter General Election shall be held on a date approved by both legislative bodies within the bounds set by the Constitution. The Spring Quarter General Election shall be the only election during which Special Fee requests be considered or reconsidered during any subsequent elections that may result from the Spring Quarter General Election.

B. Election Timetable

  1. The Commission shall present to the relevant Association legislative bodies for their information a timetable specifying completion goals for all aspects of an election at least 8 weeks before the Spring Quarter General Election, or one week after an Association legislative body has called an election.
  2. Where the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By- Laws, the Charge of the Commission, or these Policies specify a deadline for an aspect of an election, the Elections Commission may impose an earlier deadline only with the approval of the relevant Association legislative bodies. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.

Section 2: Election Issues

A. General

  1. Any member of the Association seeking to be elected to an Association legislative body shall be referred to as a candidate.
  2. A slate shall be construed to mean a grouping of candidates to be voted for collectively on the ballot.
  3. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit or regulate the endorsement of a candidate by any person, organization, or Voluntary Student Organization, including political parties.
  4. Any members of the Association seeking to be elected as the President and Vice-President or as Class Presidents shall be referred to as a slate.
  5. Any student organization requesting a Special Fee shall designate a member of the Association to be referred to as the sponsor. Actions taken by any member of the student organization shall be considered actions of the sponsor where such actions were explicitly or implicitly authorized by that organization or its officers.
  6. Any member(s) of the Association or student organization(s) wishing to campaign against a Special Fee request shall designate a member of the Association to be referred to as the sponsor.
  7. Any member of the Association wishing to campaign for a General Fee issue, whether to increase or decrease an undergraduate General Fee by one of the options for setting the amount of a General Fee, or to create, change the base amount of, change the statement of purpose of, or abolish a General Fee, will be referred to as the sponsor. A person may be the sponsor of only one option for setting the amount of a General Fee.
  8. Any member of the Association wishing to campaign against a proposal to create, change the base amount of, change the statement of purpose of, or abolish a General Fee will be referred to as the sponsor.
  9. The author(s) of a ballot measure shall designate a member of the Association to be referred to as the sponsor.
  10. Any member(s) of the Association or student organization(s) wishing to campaign against a ballot measure shall designate a member of the Association to be referred to as the sponsor.
  11. No actions may be taken by any member of the Association on the behalf of any candidate, slate, or sponsor without her/his consent. Actions taken by any member of the Association with the consent of the candidate, slate, or sponsor shall be considered actions of that candidate, slate, or sponsor.
  12. No candidate, slate, sponsor, or any officer of a student organization seeking a Special Fee, shall be an elections officer.
  13. The original sponsor may be replaced by a substitute sponsor by action of the appropriate student organization, author of a ballot measure, or member(s) of the Association, provided that the Elections Commissioner consents to such replacement. The substitute sponsor shall sign a declaration of intent. The substitute sponsor shall continue to be bound by all actions taken by the original sponsor before her/his replacement.

B. Coterminal Students

Coterminal students shall be eligible to vote and seek election as either a member of the undergraduate or a member of the graduate body, but not both.

C. Presidential Slates

Each slate for the Presidency shall consist of two members of the Association; one a candidate for President, one a candidate for Vice-President, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

D. General Fee Issues

General Fee issues consist of setting the amount of an existing Fee and of creating, changing the base amount of, changing the statement of purpose of, or abolishing a Fee.

E. Ballot Measures

  1. Any referendum must take the form of a bill or resolution and shall follow the form used by the relevant Association legislative bodies in the construction of bills and resolutions.
  2. Any Constitutional amendment must take the form of a bill and shall follow the form used by the relevant Association legislative bodies in the construction of bills.
  3. All ballot measures must be divided by section. No section may be dependent upon another section of the ballot measure for its implementation.

Section 3: Placement of Issues on the Ballot

A. General

  1. Placement on the ballot shall refer to the qualification for election of the appropriate candidate or slate, or for approval of the appropriate Special Fee request or ballot measure. Appearance on the ballot shall refer to actual mention on the physical election ballot of the appropriate candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure.
  2. In borderline cases, the Elections Commissioner in consultation with the Hearings Officer shall allow election issues to proceed towards placement on the ballot.
  3. A meeting shall be held at least 1 week prior to the beginning of campaigning or, in the case of the Spring Quarter General Election, during Winter Quarter, to orient all candidates, slates, and sponsors to election practices. The time and place of the meeting shall be announced to all individuals who have filed declarations of intent.
  4. Any candidate, slate, or sponsor may withdraw from the election by submitting to the Commission, at least 24 hours prior to the opening of the polls, a written declaration of withdrawal.

B. Declaration of Intent

  1. A Declaration of Intent shall be a statement submitted to the election commission indicating a desire to place a candidate, slate, or other issue on the ballot. Additional specifications may be specified in the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  2. The filing of a declaration of intent shall normally be the first step in seeking placement on the ballot.
  3. The Commission shall approve a declaration of intent upon verification that all the requirements for placement on the ballot have been met
  4. A list of all candidates, slates, Special Fee requests, and ballot measures whose declarations of intent have been approved by the Commission shall be posted in the Commission office, and this information shall be made available to student publications in a timely manner.
  5. No declarations of intent for the Spring Quarter General Election shall be accepted before the start of Winter Quarter.
  6. In order to appear on the ballot or in the Elections Handbook during the general election, a slate or sponsor must file their Declaration of Intent by 5:00 P.M. on the Friday immediately preceding Dead Week during Winter quarter.
  7. The Commission shall, with the approval of the relevant Association legislative bodies, specify other deadlines for the filing of declarations of intent for all other elections.

C. Petitions

  1. Form
    1.  A petition must contain the following during solicitation and submission:
    2. The informational pages shall contain the name of the appropriate candidate, slate (and the names of its members), or sponsor (and the organization requesting the Special Fee or the title of the ballot measure); their email address; their telephone number; and any additional information specified by the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, or these Policies.
    3. Any missing information shall invalidate a petition.
    4. A valid signature shall consist of the legible name of a member of the Association, the member’s student identification number, and the member’s enrollment status (graduate or undergraduate).
    5. e. The total number of graduate and undergraduate petition signers should be compiled and presented to the election commission when submitting the petitions.
    6. The top of each signature page of a petition shall state the name of the proposed candidate (and the district which they are a candidate from, if appropriate), slate (and its members), sponsor of and organization making a Special Fee request (and the amount requested), or sponsor and title of the ballot measure, whichever is appropriate, as well as the population to which the petition is addressed.
  2. Prior Approval
    1. Candidates, slates, and sponsors shall submit a sample petition to the Commission for its approval as to form.
    2. The Commission shall examine sample petitions thus submitted for their compliance with all relevant provisions of the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, and these Policies within 48 hours of their submission (72 hours if over a weekend), and shall either approve such petitions as to form or shall state what modifications would be necessary in order to receive such approval. Any such approval, or any statement of necessary modifications, shall be made in writing. Before making such a determination, the Elections Commission shall seek the advice of the US Appropriations Committee, the GSC Financial Officer (or her/his designee(s)), and the Financial Manager concerning all Special Fee budgets which have not previously been approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies for placement on the ballot.
    3. Any petitions which have been approved by the Commission as to form, or which were modified before signatures in support of so as to meet the requirements specified by the Commission and subsequently resubmitted and given final approval in writing by the Commission, shall be deemed to have met all relevant specifications of the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, and these Policies.
    4. The Commission shall retain on file a copy of all petitions submitted or resubmitted for approval, and of all statements of necessary modifications.
  3. Solicitation of Signatures for a Petition
    1. Only members of the Association may solicit signatures in support of a petition. The member(s) of the Association supporting a petition must be available to answer questions from potential signers in a timely manner.
    2. No signatures shall be solicited before the first day on which declarations of intent for the relevant election may be filed.
    3. The member of the Association supporting a petition, or the sponsor, candidate, or slate the petition supports, may withdraw the name of any signer. No person may place the signature of another person on a petition.
    4. Any member of the Association may withdraw her/his name from a petition before its verification by notifying the appropriate candidate, slate, or sponsor, and by notifying the Commission.
    5. No solicitation for signatures shall interfere with any University class, function, or operation.
    6. The Commission shall have the authority to impose additional regulations governing the solicitation of petition signatures only in extraordinary circumstances.
    7. For any petition that is believed to have signatures solicited in violation of these rules, the Commission shall determine whether or not to invalidate that petition. Notice of any such invalidation(s) shall then be posted in a public location announced in advance by the Commission. The Commission shall also make a reasonable effort to notify any candidate, slate, or sponsor whose petition was invalidated of that fact in a timely manner.
      1. For the Spring Quarter General Election, this determination shall be made, and the required notice posted, no later than 7 days after the final deadline for the submission of petitions.
      2. For all other elections, this determination shall be made, and the required notice posted, by a deadline specified in the Charge of the Commission, or, failing that, in the Election Timetable to be presented by the Commission to the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  4. Appeals
    1. Any candidate, slate, or sponsor whose petition has been invalidated by the Commission for violation(s) of the rules governing the solicitation of signatures may appeal such a decision to the relevant legislative bodies.
    2. Any candidate, slate, or sponsor wishing to appeal the invalidation of a petition shall file a written notice of appeal with the President of the Association no later than 72 hours after notice of the invalidation has been posted.
    3. Once such an appeal has been filed, the Commission shall proceed with the verification of the contested petition, and shall take all actions required to protect the rights of the appealing candidate, slate or sponsor to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, pending resolution of the appeal. However, should the petitions be found invalid for reasons other than violation(s) of the rules governing the solicitation of signatures, the appeal shall be declared moot and no hearing need be held.
    4. The President of the Association shall then notify the Chair of the relevant legislative bodies, who shall convene the relevant legislative bodies to hear the appeal. The relevant candidate, slate, or sponsor shall be given at least 24 hours advance notice of the time and place of the hearing.
    5. At the hearing, the Elections Commissioner shall present the Commission’s reasons for invalidating the petition, including the specific act(s) constituting violation(s) of the solicitation rules alleged to have been committed and the reasons for believing they constitute grounds for invalidation.
    6. At the hearing, the candidate, slate, or sponsor appealing may present whatever evidence desired to the relevant legislative bodies. All members of the Association shall cooperate with any reasonable request for information made by this candidate, slate, or sponsor.
    7. Members of the relevant legislative bodies shall have the right to request any and all information they deem appropriate, including additional testimony, and all parties shall receive such information and have the right to challenge it.
    8. At the conclusion of the hearing, the relevant legislative bodies shall meet and determine whether or not a violation of the By- Laws or Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies, which justifies invalidation of the petition has occurred. However, the relevant legislative bodies shall have the discretion to determine the validity of any action of the Commission.
    9. In making this determination, the relevant legislative bodies shall consider whether or not the alleged acts were in fact committed, whether or not they constitute a violation of the By-Laws or Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies, and whether or not they are sufficiently serious or affect a significant enough number of petition signatures to justify invalidation.
    10. Should the relevant legislative bodies determine that invalidation was not justified, then the appeal shall be granted and the appropriate candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure shall appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, provided that all other requirements for appearance on the ballot have been satisfied. If the invalidation is found to have been justified, then the appeal shall be rejected and appearance on the ballot shall not occur.
    11. Should the relevant legislative bodies fail either to accept or reject an appeal on a timely basis, then the appropriate candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure shall appear on the ballot, and in the Elections Handbook, provided that all other requirements for appearance on the ballot have been satisfied.
      1. For the Spring Quarter General Election, the deadline for the President of the Association either to accept or reject the appeal shall be 5:00 P.M. the first day of Spring Quarter. 
      2. For all other elections, the deadline to accept or reject the appeal shall be specified in the Charge of the Commission or failing that, in the Elections Timetable presented by the Commission to the relevant Association legislative bodies.
    12. The party being investigated shall enjoy all other judicial rights granted in the Constitution unless they conflict with other Constitutional requirements.
    13. Any decision by a candidate, slate, or sponsor to expend funds on campaign expenses in anticipation of the granting of an appeal shall be at the risk of that candidate, slate, or sponsor.
  5. Verification
    1. The Commission shall verify all signatures as they are submitted, provided that an appropriate declaration of intent is on file.
    2. All petitions that do not meet the specifications detailed in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, and these Policies shall first be declared invalid. All other petitions shall be declared valid. The Commission shall have the authority to waive any defects in the form of a petition, if in its opinion the defects were not so serious as to prevent members of the Association from making an informed decision as to whether or not to provide their signature for that petition.
    3. The number of signatures submitted in support of the candidates, slate, or sponsor shall be the total number of signatures submitted in each valid petition, less any signatures that are not complete, as specified in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the US By-Laws, and these Policies.
    4. Petitions supported by fewer than the number of signatures required shall be declared invalid; otherwise the signatures shall be verified.
    5. Verification of a signature shall consist of a comparison of both the associated name and student identification number in a list of registered students prepared by the Registrar. If the exact student identification number is in the list and the name reasonably matches the corresponding name in the list, or the exact name is in the list and the student identification number reasonably matches the corresponding number in the list, and if the individual in question is a member of the appropriate district or class, then that signature shall be considered valid. Otherwise, it shall be considered invalid. An “exact match” of a name shall consist of a last name, and either a first name or a middle name which exactly match those found in the list provided by the Registrar.
    6. In determining whether names or numbers “reasonably match”, those verifying shall, within the limits of the relevant rules, err on the side of accepting a signature that seems to have been made in good faith by someone entitled to sign the petition. In particular, different word orders, and use of informal names shall not necessarily prevent names from “reasonably matching”. If the Registrar is in the process of changing student identification number format, either format shall be considered valid.
    7. The Commission shall prepare a written report stating, for each petition submitted, the number of signatures submitted, the number of signatures verified, the number found to be invalid, and whether or not the petition as a whole was valid or invalid. For the Spring Quarter General Election, this report shall be transmitted to the President of the Association and the Chairs of the relevant Association legislative bodies no later than the last day of the End- Quarter Period during Winter Quarter.
  6. Re-verification
    1.  Any candidate, slate, or sponsor may request a reverification of a petition by filing a re-verification request within 72 hours after the announcement by the Commission of the results of the initial verification of the petition.
    2. All re-verification requests shall contain the name of the requesting party, her/his local address and phone number, and either a $50 bond (for candidates and slates) or a $250 bond (for sponsors), to be placed on deposit with the Students’ Organizations Fund.
    3. A request shall be considered filed upon receipt by the Elections Commissioner of the request and by the Students’ Organizations Fund of the bond.
    4. The Commission shall then verify each signature submitted in support of the petition.
    5. If there are fewer valid signatures in support of the petition than required, then the petition shall be declared invalid and the bond credited to the budget reserve of the Commission; otherwise the petition shall be declared valid and the bond refunded.
    6. If on the basis of the reverification a petition is declared valid, when it was initially declared invalid, or if a petition is declared invalid when it was initially declared valid, then the bond shall be refunded by the Students’ Organizations Fund; otherwise the bond shall be forfeit, and shall be credited to the budget reserve of the Commission.
  1. Officers
  1. Any members of the Association declaring intent to become the President and Vice-President, and requesting to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, must submit to the Commission a petition of at least 200 members of the Association.
  2. Other signature requirements will be listed in the By-Laws or Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  3. The relevant By-Laws may specify additional positions for which only members of the relevant population run and vote for.

E. Special Fee Requests

  1. In order for its Special Fee request to be placed on the ballot, a student organization must qualify under one of the following provisions:
    1. Voluntary Student Organizations: organizations which are intended to be (and actually are) primarily composed of student members, require no student to join, are recognized by the University, and are either open to all students or open to only those students meeting certain criteria which are established and evaluated in an objective manner by the organization. In order to qualify under this provision, the ultimate constitutional, budgetary, and policy- making authority of the organization must be vested entirely in its student members.
    2. Chartered Organizations: organizations which are intended to be (and actually are) primarily composed of student members, require no student to join, are recognized by the University, and are either open to all students or open to only those students meeting certain criteria which are established and evaluated in an objective manner by the organization, but where the ultimate constitutional, budgetary, and policy-making authority are vested in a University office or committee or any body other than its student membership.
      1. Such an organization shall have a Special Fee request placed on the ballot only with the express consent of the relevant Association legislative bodies. This consent shall take the form of a resolution certifying that, in the opinion of the relevant Association legislative bodies, the organization and its finances are in fact essentially under the control of students, and shall require for approval a 2/3 vote. At the time that this resolution is approved, the relevant Association legislative bodies may specify additional criteria under which the Special Fee request is placed on the ballot, which shall be as binding on the organization as is its detailed budget. Approval of this resolution shall only determine the organization’s eligibility to receive a Special Fee, and shall be independent of, and in addition to, any action by the relevant Association legislative bodies actually placing the request on the ballot.
      2. In the event that the constitution, structure, finances, policies, or operations of such an organization is substantially modified, as defined by the relevant Association legislative bodies, so as to impair student control and/or prevent the Special Fee funds from being used for the purposes for which they were originally intended, the relevant Association legislative bodies may by a 2/3 vote pass a resolution halting the disbursement of Special Fee funds to that organization. Upon the approval of such a resolution, any and all Special Fee funds already disbursed to the organization shall revert to the Association and shall be placed in the relevant population’s Buffer Fund. If a joint group, then the funds shall be split into the Graduate and Undergraduate Buffer Funds to reflect the monetary contributions of each population.
  2. An agency of the Association shall have its Special Fee request placed on the ballot only with the consent of the relevant Association legislative bodies. This consent shall only determine the organization’s ability to seek a Special Fee, and shall be independent of, and in addition to, any action by the relevant Association legislative bodies actually placing the request on the ballot.
  3. An agency of the Association requesting a Special Fee must be not otherwise financially dependent on the Association.
  4. If a Special Fee request which has met all Elections Commission deadlines is left off the ballot, then the request may be funded from the relevant population’s Special Buffer Fund by a 2/3 vote of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
  5. Any student organization seeking a Special Fee may submit a petition of members of the Association to the Commission. The information pages in each petition shall contain:
    1. the detailed budget for the organization submitted for the following fiscal year;
    2. the original detailed budget for the current fiscal year, if applicable;
    3. the most recently modified budget for the current fiscal year, if applicable;
    4. an accounting of the expenses of the current fiscal year to date, if applicable;
    5. an estimate of the expenses for the remainder of the current fiscal year, if applicable;
    6. the population from which the fee is being sought (i.e., undergraduate students, graduate students, or both); g. current reserve balances.
  6. A detailed budget shall be a line item estimate of all planned expenditures and expected revenues, and their particular sources, to be generated by activities of the student organization during a fiscal year. This budget must contain line items for gross Fee assessment income and Fee assessment refunds, the latter to be a percentage of the former, this percentage being referred to as the budgeted refund rate.
  7. As part of its declaration of intent, Special Fee application, and detailed budget each student organization seeking a Special Fee must declare from which population it is seeking its Special Fee. This decision should be based on consideration of the demographics of the student organization’s membership, audience, users of services provided, or other criteria as determined by the relevant Association legislative bodies or their designee(s). The designee(s) of the Association legislative bodies shall advise student organizations as to which population would be appropriate for funding given the particular student organization’s characteristics. 
  8. A returning special fee group desiring to change its funding population must re-petition the relevant population as specified in Article V, Section 2.A.6.a or Article V, Section 2.A.6.b of the ASSU Constitution. This does not apply to groups changing their funding population from Joint to Graduate or Undergraduate.
  9. Special Fee Refund Rates
    1. The budgeted refund rate shall be based upon estimates prepared by the Financial Manager of the actual refund rates incurred during the current fiscal year for each Special Fee.
    2. If the Special Fee request is not placed on the ballot by the action of the relevant Association legislative bodies, then the budgeted refund rate shall be approved by a procedure specified in the respective By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative bodies, provided that this rate shall not be less than either the actual refund rate for that organization during the current fiscal year (if there was a Special Fee collected for that organization during the current fiscal year) or that the lowest actual refund rate incurred of any Special Fee during the current fiscal year (if no such Special Fee was collected during the current fiscal year).
    3. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall approve a budgeted refund rate for a student organization by either the Friday of the sixth week of Winter quarter, or at the meeting which occurs at least 48 hours after the student organization presents their budgetary and other financial information to the Elections Commission, Financial Manager, and the relevant Association legislative bodies, whichever occurs later.
    4. If the relevant Association legislative bodies fail to approve a budgeted refund rate on a timely basis, then this rate shall be either the actual refund rate for that organization’s Special Fee during the current fiscal year (if there was a Special Fee collected for that organization during the current fiscal year), or the median of the actual refund rates incurred for all Special Fees during the current fiscal year (if no such Special Fee was collected during the current fiscal year).
  10. The required budget information shall be presented in the following form:
    1. A numerical table, the columns of which shall represent the organization’s detailed budget proposed for the following fiscal year, the original detailed budget for the current fiscal year, the most recently modified budget for the current fiscal year (if it differs from the original budget), the actual expenditures for the current fiscal year to date, and an estimate of expenditures for the remainder of the current fiscal year. Each row of the table shall represent one particular income or expenditure line item from the organization’s detailed budget, and the appropriate entries shall be made for that line item under each of the column headings. For line items which apply only to the budget for the current fiscal year or the proposed budget for the following fiscal year, the entries under the columns referring to the year to which they do not apply shall be zeros. Line items may represent either types of expenditures or specific programs.
    2. A narrative text, which shall describe each line item and may contain more detailed information supporting the amounts of the proposed line items; commenting on differences between the organization’s current budget, its actual and projected expenditures for the current fiscal year, and its proposed budget for the following fiscal year; or any other information deemed relevant.
    3. An explanation of which criteria the student organization used to determine its funding population.
    4. Organizations which receive at least half of their expected income from non-Special Fee sources shall have the option of dividing their budget into Special Fee funded and non-Special Fee funded portions.
  11. Any student organization seeking a Special Fee must provide complete disclosure of the following information to the Association legislative bodies:
    1.  assets
    2. reserves
    3. authorized and unauthorized non-ASSU bank accounts 
    4. ASSU bank accounts, except where prohibited by the Constitution, 
    5. sources of funding other than Special and General Fees, including but not limited to, alumni donations, corporate donations, grants, funding from other University units, endowment payouts.
  12. Any student organization seeking and receiving approval from the relevant Association legislative bodies for its Special Fee request must use the same detailed budget as was approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies on its petitions.
  13. All expenditures must be for the organizational and basic programming expenses of the student organization requesting the Special Fee. This student organization shall be responsible for the spending of all funds, including those used in a co-sponsored event.
  14. The Commission shall determine if any given budget meets these requirements. Before making such a determination, the Elections Commission shall seek the advice of the designee(s) of the relevant Association legislative bodies and the Financial Manager concerning all Special Fee budgets that have not previously been approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies for placement on the ballot. Only if these requirements are met may a Special Fee request be place on the ballot. However, the budget of any Special Fee request which has been approved for placement on the ballot by an appropriate action of the relevant Association legislative bodies shall be considered to have met these requirements.
  15. Any student organization seeking placement on the ballot of a Special Fee request on the basis of a previous Special Fee request as specified in the Constitution must satisfy the following requirement: the gross amount requested may not exceed the gross amount received in the organization’s most recent Special Fee request, as adjusted for inflation, plus ten per cent.
  16. No Special Fee request shall be placed on the ballot except in accordance with the provisions of Article V, Section 2 of the Constitution, and unless its budget meets all specifications detailed above. No Special Fee request whose placement on the ballot requires the submission of petitions shall be placed on the ballot unless the petitions submitted meet all of the above requirements. If a group petitions successfully to be placed on the ballot the elections commission must notify the relevant legislative bodies within 24 hours of presentation of the petition and inform them on their constitutional right to place a note on the ballot, as outlined in the constitution Article V, Section 2.A.6.e.
  17. In the event that a student organization’s Special Fee request requires the approval of both Association legislative bodies in order to be placed on the ballot, but only receives the approval of one, that student organization may resubmit a revised budget to the Association legislative body that had not approved its initial request. Any petitions circulated in support of the initial Special Fee request shall remain valid despite the potentially changed budget, provided that the initial petitions were found to be valid.
  18. Division of a Special Fee Request
    1. All budgetary and other financial information required for a Special Fee request to be placed on the ballot shall be presented by the student organization requesting the Special Fee to the Elections Commission, the Financial Manager, and the relevant Association legislative bodies at least 2 weeks before the last regularly scheduled meeting during Winter Quarter.
    2. Prior to this deadline, the budgetary and other financial information may be altered by the student organization requesting the Special Fee by so notifying the Elections Commission, the Financial Manager, and the relevant Association legislative bodies. After this deadline, the budgetary and other financial information may not be altered except with the consent of the relevant Association legislative bodies or of their designee(s).
    3. The relevant Association legislative bodies may divide a Special Fee request at any time after this budgetary and other financial information has been presented. The student organization requesting the Special Fee shall be given at least 48 hours prior notice that such a motion may be introduced, and the sponsor of the Special Fee (or her/his designee) shall be allowed to speak before the relevant Association legislative bodies on this issue.
    4. The mechanism by which each Association legislative body divides a Special Fee request shall be specified in the By-Laws of that body.
    5. If both Association legislative bodies divide a student organization’s Special Fee request, but the divisions are not coincidental, then each ballot shall reflect the set of divisions by the relevant Association legislative bodies.
    6. The Elections Commission shall consider valid those petitions for a Special Fee request, regardless of whether the petitions reflect the division of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
    7. If not all of the sections of the divided Special Fee request are approved, then the relevant Association legislative bodies and the student organization requesting the Special Fee may agree to whatever budget modifications are necessary to provide for the support of essential administrative functions of the student organization whose absence would prevent the implementation of the activities specified in the approved section’s proposed budget.

F. General Fee Issues

Each existing undergraduate General Fee will automatically have the options for setting its amount placed on the ballot, regardless of whether a declaration of intent was filed.

G. Ballot Measures

  1. The relevant Association legislative bodies may transmit to the Commission any bill or resolution to be placed on the ballot as a ballot measure, in which case the author of the bill or resolution shall be considered the author of the ballot measure.
  2. Any member of the Association seeking to place a ballot measure on the ballot must submit a petition of members of the relevant population of the Association to the Commission. The information pages in each petition packet shall contain the text of the ballot measure, as well as the population to which the ballot measure is addressed.

Section 4: Elections Handbook

A. General

  1. A member of the Elections Commission shall serve as the editor of the Elections Handbook.
  2. For each general election, the Elections Handbook may take the form of a tabloid pamphlet inserted into The Stanford Daily, or be independently produced and distributed separately. For each special election, the Elections Handbook may take the same form, or such other form as will allow for adequate publicity for the candidates and slates and for adequate distribution to those members of the Association eligible to vote. The Election Commission may choose to publish the Handbook solely in electronic form, as long as its availability is widely publicized. Separate election handbooks may be published for the graduate and undergraduate populations containing only the information relevant to each population, but each must contain information on how to obtain the other handbook.
  3. The Elections Handbook shall contain information on the issues to be decided during the appropriate Association election.
    1. No candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure for the Spring Quarter General Election shall appear in the Elections Handbook unless the appropriate declaration of intent and any necessary petitions have been filed and the appropriate material for the Elections Handbook submitted to the Elections Commission by 5:00 P.M. one week before the election. The Commission shall have the authority to extend this deadline.
    2. For other elections, the declaration of intent and any necessary petitions must be filed and the appropriate material for the Elections Handbook submitted to the Elections Commission by 5:00 P.M. one week before the election, or at a time specified by the Commission, whichever is sooner. The Commission shall have the authority to extend this deadline.

B. Contents

  1. The Elections Handbook shall contain:
    1. A summary table of all recommendations of the relevant Association legislative bodies on Special Fee requests and ballot measures.
    2. A summary table of all polling times.
    3. A complete and concise set of voting instructions, including appropriate notices with respect to voter qualifications for each office.
    4. A sample ballot to be used for practice and illustration.
    5. Statements by each candidate. Statements shall consist of the following information:
      1. The name of the candidate
      2. The candidate’s major and class (if the candidate is a member of the undergraduate population) or his/her department/School and degree program (if the candidate is a member of the graduate population)
      3.  A list containing:
        1. Association offices held by the candidate
        2. Offices held by the candidate in voluntary Student Organizations
        3. University committees in which the candidate participated.
        4. The dates in which each of the above positions were held The above list should be presented in reverse chronological order. Graduate students and transfer students may list corresponding positions held at any other University.
      4. A position statement submitted by the candidate.
    6. Statements by each slate. Statements may contain:
      1. The name of the slate and the name of each of the slate’s members.
      2. Each slate member’s major and class (if the candidate is a member of the undergraduate population) or his/her department/School and degree program (if the candidate is a member of the graduate population)
      3. A list for each slate member containing:
        1. Association offices held by the candidate
        2. Offices held by the candidate in voluntary Student Organizations
        3. University committees in which the candidate participated.
        4.  The dates in which each of the above positions were held
      4. A position statement submitted by the slate.
    7. Statements on each Special Fee request. Statements shall consist of the following information:
      1. The name of the student organization making the request.
      2. The amount of money requested.
      3. The population from which the Fee is being sought.
      4. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor and opposed (if any) to the Special Fee request.
      5. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed 400 words each. If there is more than one sponsor opposing the ballot measure, only the first to submit a statement will be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by a voting member of a relevant Association legislative body takes absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those statements were submitted before that of the voting member of an Association legislative body.
      6. The Commission shall be charged with ensuring that any statement filed by a sponsor in opposition is indeed one in opposition, and shall be empowered to disregard it otherwise.
      7. A summary of the Special Fee request, presented by the student organization requesting the fee, and limited to:
        1. a subtotal of each event
        2. a line-item summary
      8. The budget request summary must be approved by the Elections Commissioner and the Financial Manager. The complete documentation of the Special Fee request shall be on file at the Association office and at each polling site for public inspection, and this fact shall be noted in the summary.
    8. The information required for statements setting the amount of each existing undergraduate General Fee shall be specified in the US By-Laws.
    9. The information required for each existing graduate General Fee shall be specified in the GSC By-Laws.
    10. Statements on creating, changing the amount of, changing the statement of purpose of, or abolishing General Fees. Statements consist of the following information:
      1. The title, current statement of purpose, current base amount of the General Fee, and the population on which the Fee would be assessed, if the Fee currently exists.
      2.  A statement of what is being changed: the proposed new base amount of the Fee, expressed as dollar amounts, amount per student per quarter, and percentage change from the current base amount (if any); the proposed new title and statement of purpose (if any); the proposed population on which the Fee would be levied.
      3. For linked proposals, the title assigned by the relevant Association legislative bodies, followed by the current and proposed information for each General Fee issue that makes up the proposal, as specified above.
      4. For proposals involving existing General Fees, a warning that this proposal, if it succeeds, overrules the vote on setting the amount of those Fees.
      5. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor of and opposed (if any) to the ballot measure. 
      6. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed 400 words each. If there is more than one sponsor opposing the General Fee issue, only the first to submit a statement will be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by a voting member of an Association legislative body takes absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the voting member of an Association legislative body.
      7. Background information on each Fee. For existing Fees, this consists of the current overall Fee budget, and the list of groups funded in the current year. For new Fees, this consists of whatever information is approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies. Information on existing Fees that is already being included in the Elections Handbook need not be repeated here, except where needed for clarity.
    11. Statements on each ballot measure. Statements shall consist of the following information:
      1. The title of the ballot measure.
      2. The text of the ballot measure.
      3. The population eligible to vote on the ballot measure.
      4. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor and opposed (if any) to the ballot measure. In those cases where the ballot measure was placed on the ballot by the relevant Association legislative bodies, this fact shall be noted. v. 
      5. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed 400 words each. If there is more than one sponsor opposing the ballot measure, only the first to submit a statement will be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by a voting member of a relevant Association legislative body takes absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those statements were submitted before that of the voting member of an Association legislative body. vi. 
      6. The Commission shall be charged with ensuring that any statement filed by a sponsor in opposition is indeed one in opposition, and shall be empowered to disregard it otherwise.
      7. A clear and concise estimate of the financial impact of the ballot measure prepared by the Financial Manager for the Commission.
    12. A summary table, listing each Special Fee request, the amount requested, and the estimated number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected if the request is approved, plus an estimate of the total number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected if all requests on the ballot are approved. This table shall include a statement noting that, in addition to the Special Fees, the Association Fee and surcharges will also be collected, and estimating their amount and the resulting number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected.
    13. Any material supplied by the Commission to make the Elections Handbook easier to read and use.
    14. After the submission of a statement to the Commission, but prior to its being typeset, the author may make non-substantive modifications, or substantive modifications to correct statements of fact whose veracity have been publicly challenged.

C. Layout

  1. All voting members of Association legislative bodies, candidates, slates, and sponsors shall be accorded the opportunity to examine the proofs of the Elections Handbook before it is printed, and at that time may call attention to any errors, which shall be corrected. However, errors resulting from the failure of a candidate, slate, or sponsor to supply correct information to a member of the Elections Commission before the appropriate deadline shall be corrected only with the consent of a member of the Elections Commission, and at the expense of that candidate, slate, or sponsor.
    1. For the Spring Quarter General Election, the Commission shall publicly announce the time and place at which the opportunity to examine the proofs of the Elections Handbook shall be made available at least 48 hours in advance of that opportunity, but in any case no later than the last day of Winter Quarter.
    2. For other elections, the Commission shall publicly announce the time and place at which the opportunity to examine the proofs of the Elections Handbook shall be made available at least 24 hours in advance.

D. Distribution

The Elections Handbook shall be made available to all students at least one week prior to the Association election.

Section 5: Ballots

A. Ballot

Different classes of ballots shall exist. Each class of ballots shall list only those candidates, slates, Special Fee requests, General Fee issues, and ballot measures for which a well-defined subset of the Association is eligible to vote. Any class of ballots which is intended to be used by members of the Association from more than one district shall be designed so that a member’s votes will be tallied only if cast for candidates in the district in which s/he is eligible to vote.

B. Contents

  1. The first section shall contain instructions on how to fill out the ballot.
  2. The next sections shall list the candidates, slates, Special Fee requests, General Fee issues, and ballot measures in the following order: Constitutional Amendments, Referenda, Joint Special Fee requests, relevant undergraduate or graduate Special Fee requests, General Fee issues, Presidency, the relevant Association legislative bodies, and, if appropriate, the Class Presidents.
    1. No candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure for the Spring Quarter General Election shall appear on the ballot unless the appropriate declaration of intent and any necessary petitions have been filed by 4:00 P.M. the Friday before Dead Week during Winter Quarter. The Commission shall have the authority to extend this deadline, but to no later than the last day of Winter Quarter.
    2. For other elections the declaration of intent and any necessary petitions must be filed by 4:00 P.M. one week before the election, or at a time specified by the Commission, whichever is sooner. The Commission shall have the authority to extend this deadline.
    3. A Special Fee request whose sponsor has not completed all the requirements specified in the Constitution, the Association By- Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, and these Policies for placement and appearance on the ballot by the deadline indicated above shall appear on the Spring Quarter General Election ballot only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
      1. The relevant Association legislative bodies authorize such an appearance by approving a resolution specifying the extenuating circumstances by the procedures specified in the Constitution and their respective By-Laws, and the President of the Association approves this resolution.
      2. The student organization requesting the Special Fee agrees to pay for all costs associated with its appearance on the ballot, such costs to be determined by the Commission with the approval of the Financial Manager.
      3. If a sponsor submits a petition to place on the ballot a ballot measure after the deadline indicated above, then the Commission may authorize it to appear on the ballot.
    4. The Commission shall verify the eligibility of each candidate and slate, and of each Special Fee request and ballot measure and their associated sponsors, before authorizing their appearance on the ballot.
  3. For each candidate, slate, Special Fee request, and ballot measure, the following information shall be made available on the ballot.
    1. Candidates shall be listed by name.
    2. A sufficient number of spaces shall be designated for write-in candidates.
    3. Slates shall be listed by the name of the slate, with the names of the members of each slate included in parenthesis. Spaces shall be provided for one write-in slate in the Presidency race. These spaces shall be sufficient in number and format to allow voters to write in the name of the write-in slate or the names of the individual members of the slate.
    4. Special Fee requests shall be listed by the name of the appropriate student organization, the total gross Fee requested and the Financial Manager’s estimate of the per-capita Special Fee request (i.e. the amount to be levied on each member of the funding population if the Fee is passed) included in parenthesis.
    5. Special Fee requests that appear on the ballot without the approval of the relevant Association legislative bodies must include the information that would have appeared on the petition and would have been submitted to the relevant Association legislative bodies on the ballot (had they sought legislative approval).
    6. The ballot format for the setting of each undergraduate General Fee shall be specified in the US By-Laws.
    7. Proposals for creating a new General Fee must be listed as “To Create the <Fee Title> General Fee (<Base Amount>)”. Proposals to change the base amount of an existing General Fee must be listed as “To (increase/decrease) the <Fee Title> General Fee by <Change in Base Amount>”. Proposals to change the statement of purpose of an existing General Fee must be listed as “To Change the Statement of Purpose of the <Fee Title> General Fee”, followed by a the old and proposed new statements of purpose for that Fee. Proposals to abolish an existing General Fee must be listed as “To Abolish the <Fee Title> General Fee”. In all cases, the population on which the General Fee would be levied must be listed. Linked proposals must be listed by the title assigned by the relevant Association legislative bodies.
    8. Ballot measures shall be listed by the title of the measure.
    9. All relevant material from the Elections Handbook regarding that candidate, slate, Special Fee request or ballot measure.
  4. Sub-classes
    1. For each class of ballots, a number of sub-classes shall be generated.
    2. On the ballots of each subclass, candidates and slates running for the same position shall be listed in a different random order.
    3. The total number of ballots printed for each class shall be apportioned as equally as possible among their subclasses.
    4. The ballots shall be marked to distinguish the appropriate class and subclass in order to facilitate the tallying of the ballots.
  5. All other ballot measures shall be listed in alphabetical order on all ballots.
  6. The Commission shall supply connective material to make the ballot easy to read and use.

C. Ballot Security

  1. The technical staff of the Commission shall be responsible for ensuring the security of all electronic election material, including safeguarding the security of all electronic election data.
  2. The Elections Commissioner shall be responsible for ensuring the security of all paper ballot election materials, including safeguarding the security of all paper ballot election data.
  3. The technical staff of the Commission shall ensure that only members of the Commission discharging their duties as specified in the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, and these Policies shall have access to any data generated as a result of any election, until four weeks after the election and voter identities are removed.
  4. The identity of each voter shall only remain associated with their vote in a computer database while eligibility verification is being performed. Four weeks after an election, any information that would reveal the identity of any individual voter shall be removed from any databases. The Elections Commission shall maintain demographic information and make it available for retrospective studies of voter turnout and other analysis. This information shall also be made publicly available.
  5. The computer program used to administer the election shall not log any passwords used for eligibility verification purposes, and shall be designed so as to ensure that passwords are not compromised during the election process.

Section 6: Voting 

A. Method

Voting shall primarily take place through the use of a computer program. This program shall be designed to function on as wide a variety of computer platforms as is reasonable, and to allow as many students as possible to access the election program from their rooms, residences, offices, or laboratories. The program shall be designed to allow for unattended voting from any suitable computer.

B. Start of Polling

Polling at unattended computers shall begin at midnight on the first day of the election.

C. Voter Qualifications

  1. Any member of the Association possessing a valid Stanford student identification number is eligible to cast a ballot in a general election.
  2. Any member of the Association possessing a valid Stanford student identification number and belonging to the appropriate subset of the Association is eligible to cast a ballot in a special election.
  3. Voter eligibility shall be determined during voting through the use of an appropriate identification/password pair, and shall ultimately be based on possession of a valid student identification number. Procedures shall be established to ensure coherency between eligibility verification during unattended voting and voting from a paper ballot polling site.
  4. No member of the Association shall vote for candidates in a district other than the one to which s/he belongs. Other restrictions on voting eligibility shall be listed in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative bodies.

D. Voting from an unattended computer

  1. The voter shall execute the election program on an appropriate computer platform.
  2. The program shall present each section of the ballot to the voter, in the appropriate manner, as required by the Association By-Laws, the US By- Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, and these Policies.
  3. The program shall request an appropriate identification/password pair to verify the eligibility of the voter.
  4. The program shall provide interactive access to all the material in the Elections Handbook during the voting process.

E. Closing of the Polls

Voting through unattended computers shall end at 11:59 PM on the second day of the election, at which time all polling shall cease.

Section 7: Tabulation of Results

A. General

  1. The results of an election shall be tabulated through the use of a computer program. The election technical staff shall be responsible for the operation, accuracy, and security of the tabulation procedure.
  2. Only members of the Commission and the technical staff shall be involved in the tabulation process, or have access to the computer(s) being used for tabulation. 
  3. No less than 1 member of the Commission shall be present with the technical staff at all times while results are being tabulated and reported.

B. Absentee Ballots

  1. In order to be included in the final tally of ballots cast, an absentee ballot must be mailed to the Election Commission with a postmark no later than the second day of voting, or delivered in person to the Commission no later than the close of the polls on the second day of voting. The Commission shall not be responsible for absentee ballots which do not reach the Commission or are not returned in time to be tallied by virtue of delay in the postal system.
  2. Any ballot incorrectly marked shall not be tallied.

C. Write-in Votes

  1. Only write-in votes attributable to a single, eligible write-in candidate or slate shall be tallied for that candidate or slate.
  2. All votes for write-in slates that have not declared their slate names in a declaration of intent before the opening of the polls must contain the names of the individual members of that slate to be attributed to that slate.

D. Final Tally

  1. No individuals other than members of the Commission shall be informed of the results of any tally until all polls have been declared closed. The Commission shall, at its discretion, provide periodic information during the election as to the number of ballots cast.
  2. After the polls have been declared closed, the Elections Commissioner shall make a reasonable attempt before the deadline for filing declarations of intent to contact all candidates who have a reasonable chance of being elected to office and who have not filed such a declaration.
  3. Tallies for the Presidential vote shall include the primary elections, the result of the Presidential Election, and the result of the runoff election, if any. The number of ballots removed in each primary election shall be reported.
  4. The final tally shall consist of a complete tally of all ballots cast.
  5. The undergraduate final tally shall consist of that subset of the final tally involving issues on which members of the undergraduate population were eligible to vote.
  6. The graduate final tally shall consist of that subset of the final tally involving issues on which members of the graduate population were eligible to vote.
  7. No result may take effect except on the basis of the relevant final tally.

Appendix II: Association Financial Policies 

  1. The following policies shall be determined by the Board of Directors of Stanford Student Enterprises, or its designee(s):
  1. A specification of the range of financial assets in which the Association’s funds, and the funds of student organizations on deposit with the Students’ Organizations Fund, may be invested, and the distribution of funds across such assets.
  2. A specification of the maximum amount that may be loaned to any one organization, the maximum amount of such loans that may be outstanding at any one time, and the interest rates of such loans.
  3. A specification of the types of accounts available to student organizations through the Students’ Organizations Fund, as well as the terms and the rate of interest for each type of account.
  4. A specification of the degree to which income from various sources shall be considered expendable, including but not limited to the payout rate for the Operating Budget. This policy shall provide for such reinvestment of income as is required for the long-term financial soundness of the Association.
  5. A specification of the method used to calculate the payout rate for the Operating Budget.
  6. A specification of the method of calculation of indirect cost charges against the various non-business sectors of the association, including an explanation for that method and a description of services provided by these charges.
  7. A specification of the levels of reserve funds required for financial soundness by Stanford Student Enterprises.
  8. A specification of what information held by Stanford Student Enterprises may be considered proprietary. Proprietary information shall be available to the President or any member of the Association legislative bodies upon request, but may not be more widely released without the consent of the Board of Directors or its designee.
  1. Copies of the policies specified above, as well as annual budgets indicating the overall revenues and expenses of individual business projects and the amount contributed by Stanford Student Enterprises to the Association endowment, shall be provided by the Board of Directors of Stanford Student Enterprises (or its designee) to the President or any member of the Association legislative bodies upon request. Any proprietary business information or employee information contained within these policies or budgets may not be more widely released without the consent of the Board of Directors or its designee.
  2. Each year during the Autumn Quarter, the Financial Manager shall publish the texts of the policies specified above, and shall distribute copies to the Association legislative bodies.

Appendix III: Revision History

Section 1: 1998-1999 Session 

  1. Initial creation.

Section 2: 1999-2000 Session

  1. 1-P-1: <Unknown Title> Partial removal of the “None of the Above” option from the Presidential ballot.

Section 3: 2000-2001 Session 

  1. Reformatting. 
  2. 2-?-?: To Create the ASSU Parliamentarian 
  3. 2-?-?: Instant Runoff Voting for ASSU Presidential Election 
  4. 2-?-?: <Unknown Title> Overhaul of sundry portions.

Section 4: 2001-2002 Session

  1. A. Removal of the ASSU Parliamentarian position (Article II, Section 1), as it was discovered that the legislative bodies passed different versions of the bill creating it.

Section 5: 2002-2003 Session

  1. Article III, Section 1A1a: Updated to include US Treasurer 
  2. Article VI, Section 2B3: Updated to include US Treasurer 
  3. Article VI, Section 2B4: Updated to include US Treasurer 
  4. Article VI, Section 2C2: Updated to include US Treasurer 
  5. Article VI, Section 1D2: Updated to include US Senate Associates

Section 6: 2003-2004 Session

  1. The following were amended to incorporate changes made to the Special Fees System:
    1. Appendix I, Section 4.E.15 
    2. Article VI, Section 7d, 1a 
    3. Article VI, Section 7.A.7.a Appendix I, 
    4. Section 6.B.2 
    5. Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.d 
    6. Appendix I, Section 4.E 

Section 7: 2004-2005 Session

  1. Review of Special Fees Committee Bill VII: To Implement the Partitioning of the Association Buffer Fund into the Undergraduate Buffer Fund and the Graduate Buffer Fund
    1. Article VI, Section 7.A.7.a: Amended to account for separate buffer funds.
    2. Article VI, Section 7.A.8: Amended to account for separate buffer funds.
    3. Appendix I, Section 4.E.1.b.ii: Amended to account for separate buffer funds.
    4. Appendix I, Section 4.E.4: Amended to account for separate buffer funds.
    5. Article VI, Section 7.A.17: Added to govern separate buffer funds. 
  2. Review of Special Fees Committee Bill VIII: To Create a Mechanism to Replenish the Undergraduate or Graduate Special Fee Buffers
    1. Article VI, Section 7.A.7.f: Added to permit surcharge.
  3. A Bill to Create a Mechanism to Replenish the Undergraduate or Graduate Special Fee Buffers 
    1. Article VI, Section 7.A.7.f: Amended to correct term for buffer fund.
  4. A Bill to Remove References to the Defunct US Budget and Finance Committee (See Section 5 of this Appendix)
    1. Article VI, Section 2.B.1: Amended to replace Chair of the US Budget and Finance Committee with US Treasurer.
    2. Article VI, Section 2.B.2: Amended to replace US Budget and Finance Committee with US Treasurer.
    3. Article VI, Section 2.B.4: Amended to replace US Budget and Finance Committee with US Treasurer and remove “no later than its last regularly scheduled meeting” from “review and modification” requirement.
    4. Article VI, Section 2.C.1: Amended to replace US Budget and Finance Committee with US Treasurer
    5. Article VI, Section 2.C.1.a: Amended to replace “second regularly- scheduled Committee meeting” with “second week” for expenditure report requirement.
  5. Joint Legislative Bill 01: To Implement a Procedure to Resolve Ties for Executive Elections 
    1. Article V, Section 8.A.6: Amended to add population distribution tiebreaker in case previous round tiebreaker fails.
  6. Joint Legislative Bill 02: To Repeal the Unconstitutional Process of Certification and Implement a Constitutional Method of Invalidating Fraudulent Elections.
    1. Article V, Section 9.A.6: Moved to Article V, Section 8.C and renumbered accordingly.
    2. Article V, Section 9: Repealed and completely replaced
    3. Article V, Section 10: Added
    4. Appendix I, Section 2.B.4: Amended to reflect repeal of certification
    5. Appendix I, Section 6.C.3: Amended to reflect repeal of certification
    6. Appendix I, Section 6.C.4: Amended to reflect repeal of certification
    7. Appendix I, Section 8.D.7: Amended to reflect repeal of certification
  7. Joint Legislative Bill 04: To Remove an Anachronistic Post-Electoral Procedure
    1. Appendix I, Section 1.A.3: Repealed old process related to certification
    2. Appendix I, Section 2.F.1.a-b: Amended to detach salary schedule from old process 3. Appendix I, Section 2.F.2.a-b: Amended to detach salary schedule from old process

Section 8: 2005-2006 Session

  1. Joint Legislative Bill 02: To Create an Accelerated Re-Application Process for the Financial Manager Position
    1. Article VI, Section 1.E.6: Amended to allow for an accelerated re- application process.
    2. Article VI, Section 1.E.7: Added to require extraordinary circumstances for a second term.
    3. Article VI, Section 1.E.8: Added to define extraordinary circumstances.
    4. Article VI, Section 1.E.9: Added to impose a financial manager term limit. 
  2. Joint Legislative Bill 04: To Amend the Association Elections Policies (To Switch to Online Petitions and To Require Full Financial Disclosure from Special Fee Groups) 
    1. Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.a: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    2. Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.b: Amended to change mailing address to email address.
    3. Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.c: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    4. Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.d: Amended to allow electronic signatures.
    5. Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.f: Struck redundant requirement.
    6. Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.e: Amended to remove paper petition terminology and renumbered as Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.f. 7. Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.e: Added portion removed from Appendix I, Section 4.C.1.d. 8. Appendix I, Section 4.C.2.a: Amended to require pre-approval of petition format.
    7. Appendix I, Section 4.C.2.b: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    8. Appendix I, Section 4.C.2.c: Amended to remove paper petition terminology and redundant requirement.
    9. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3: Renamed to remove paper petition terminology.
    10. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.a: Amended to remove paper petition circulator presence requirement with online petition sponsor contact requirement. 
    11. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.b: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    12. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.c: Amended to remove paper petition terminology and convoluted wording.
    13. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.e: Amended to remove paper petition terminology and simplify signature solicitation rules.
    14. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.f-g: Struck complex, redundant signature solicitation rules.
    15. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.h: Amended to remove paper petition terminology and renumbered as Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.f.
    16. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.i: Renumbered as Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.g. 19. Appendix I, Section 4.C.3.j: Struck redundant requirement.
    17. Appendix I, Section 4.C.4.a: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    18. Appendix I, Section 4.C.4.c: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    19. Appendix I, Section 4.C.4.e: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    20. Appendix I, Section 4.C.4.i: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    21. Appendix I, Section 4.C.5.a-c: Amended to remove paper petition terminology.
    22. Appendix I, Section 4.C.5.e: Struck to remove paper petition terminology.
    23. Appendix I, Section 4.C.5.f-g: Amended to remove paper petition terminology and renumbered as Appendix I, Section 4.C.5.e-f. 
    24. Appendix I, Section 4.C.5.h: Struck to remove paper petition terminology.
    25. Appendix I, Section 4.C.5.i: Amended to fix inaccurate terminology and renumbered as Appendix I, Section 4.C.5.g.
    26. Appendix I, Section 4.E.5: Amended to require that Special Fee petitions include current reserve balances.
    27. Appendix I, Section 4.E.11-18: Renumbered as Appendix I, Section 4.E.12-19.
    28. Appendix I, Section 4.E.11: Added to require full financial disclosure from Special Fee groups.
    29. Appendix I, Section 4.E.19.e: Amended to clarify rules when Association legislative bodies divide Special Fee requests differently.
    30. Appendix I, Section 4.E.19.f: Struck in order to strengthen requirements of Appendix I, Section 4.E.19.e.
    31. Appendix I, Section 4.E.19.g: Amended to remove convoluted wording and renumbered as Appendix I, Section 4.E.19.f.
    32. Appendix I, Section 4.E.19.h: Renumbered as Appendix I, Section 4.E.19.g. 36. Appendix I, Section 6.B.3.f: Added ballot disclosure requirement for Special Fee groups who petition around the Association legislative bodies for ballot placement
  3. Joint Legislative Bill 05: To Codify By-Laws Regarding General Fees
    1. Article VI, Section 7.C: Amended to prevent disproportionately funding the same subset of a population and to prohibit formation of puppet funding groups.
  4. Elections Commission Bill 05: To Eliminate the Inclusion of Endorsements on the Ballot
    1. Appendix I, Section 6.B.3.c: Struck to eliminate the inclusion of a voluntary student organization next to a candidate’s name on the ballot.
    2. Appendix I, Section 6.B.3.d-j: Renumbered as Appendix I, Section 6.B.3.c-i.
  5. Elections Commission Bill 08: To Amend the Requirements for Publicizing ASSU Elections Meetings
    1. Appendix I, Section 2.B.2: Amended to switch requirement of “well- advertised” with a requirement of advertisements in The Stanford Daily.
    2. Appendix I, Section 4.A.3: Amended to remove requirement to use advertisement in The Stanford Daily for the campaign policy meeting.

Section 9: 2006-2007 Session

  1. Elections Commission Bill 05: To Modify and Clarify the Association Elections Policies.
  2. Elections Commission Bill 07: To Modify, Amend, and Modernize the Joint Bylaws regarding Elections.

Section 10: 2007-2008 Session

  1. 2007-05-09: A Bill to Amend the Joint Association By-Laws Governing Officer Positions on the ASSU Legal Counseling Office Policy Board.
  2. 2007-10-31: A Bill to Amend the Joint Bylaws to Create a FLiCKS Policy Board.
  3. 2008-04-09: A Bill to Amend the Joint Association Bylaws Governing the Duration of the ASSU Executive Term in Office.

Section 11: 2008-2009 Session

  1. 2009-02-25A: Bill to Charter the ASSU Student Service Division. 
  2. 2009-02-25B: Bill to Add Public Financing to the Joint Bylaws.

Section 12: 2009-2010 Session

  1. USB-W10-08: Bill to Amend Regarding Release of SUID Numbers
    1. Article VI, Section 7.D.1.e deleted.
    2. Article VI, Section 7.D.1.f relabeled as Section 7.D.1.e without changing substance of the text.
  2. JLB-2010-02-10 (1): Modifications to Executive Compensation and Discretionary Spending
    1. “Section 6: Discretionary Spending” added to Article III
    2. “Section 7: Compensation of Cabinet Positions” added to Article III
  3. JLB-2010-02-10 (2): Modifications to Special Fee Funding
    1. Article VI Section 7.B amended to grant discretion to legislative bylaws regarding review of Special Fee requests and clarify process for joint special fee requests
  4. GSC-2010-02-10: Modifications to Funding
    1. “5. Joint Events” added to Article VI Section 7.C to simplify funding for joint events and groups

Section 13: 2010-2011 Session

  1. EXEC-F2010-3: Reform Elections to Create Equal Access to Executive Office
    1. Article V, Section 11.A.2 amended to create public financing for Executive candidates
    2. Article V, Section 11.B-C amended to set limits on campaign expenditures for Executive candidates
  2. UGS-W2011-10: Amendment to the Non-Discrimination Statement 
    1. Article I Section 5 amended to protect gender identity from discrimination by the Association
  3. EXEC-S2011-3: Reform Elections to Create Equal Access to Elected Positions
    1. Article V, Section 11.B-C amended to create public financing for all candidates
    2. Article V Section 4 amended to set limits on campaign expenditures for all candidates 
  4.  EXEC-S2011-6: To Create ASSU Parliamentarian
    1. Article X added to create the Office of the ASSU Parliamentarian

Section 14: 2011-2012 Session

  1. A. EC-F2011-2: Complete the 2012 Elections Commission and Add Coherence to Joint By-Laws
    1. Article V Section 1.E and Article V Section 2.B struck and replaced with one comprehensible “Charge of the Commission”
    2. All references to “Special Charge of the Commission” amended to refer to “Charge of the Commission”
    3. Section 2 of Appendix I struck 4. Section 4.B.6 of Appendix I amended
    4. Section 4.E.12 of Appendix I amended
    5. All references to “Assistant Commissioner in Charge of Media” replaced with “A member of the Elections Commission” 
    6. Deadline referred to in Appendix I Section 5.A.3 changed to 5:00PM one week before the election.
    7. Section 5.B.1 of Appendix I amended
    8. Section 5.B.5-6 of Appendix I amended
    9. Section 5.B.7.e added to Appendix I
    10. Section 5.B.11.e added to Appendix I
    11. B. UGS-S2012-1: Amendment to the Non-Discrimination Statement
      1. Article I Section 5 amended to protect national origin, religious beliefs, socio-economic status, and veteran status

Section 15: 2013-2014 Session

  1. NC-F2013-3: Bill to Amend Joint By-Laws 
    1. Article II Section 3.A.5 amended to change term of Nominations Commission
    2. Article II Section 3.A.6 amended to change term of Nominations Commission
    3. Article II Section 3.A.8 amended to change term of Nominations Commission 
    4. ASSU-F2013-3: Bill to Create A Consistent Selection Process for the Financial Manager and Properly Define the Role of Associate Assistant FM 
      1. Article VI Section 1.E amended to define Financial Manager Selection Committee and extend the expected term of the FM 
      2. Article VI Section 1.F amended to define the role of Assistant Financial Managers